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Re: Koppelkondensator am Eingang

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Re: Koppelkondensator am Eingang
« am: 14.05.2009 21:30 »
Beitrag für die Nachwelt konserviert:

Hi Stephan,

steht im Text von "star grounding".
Hab's Dir kurz mal rauskopiert:

>Important note: While the star ground is excellent for eliminating ground loop hum, it is not always the best scheme for preventing radio-frequency interference (RFI).  Fortunately, there is a simple addition to the star ground scheme that will make for a very quiet amplifier with no RFI.  Simply add a 0.01uF capacitor from the chassis to the ground lug of the isolated input jack using very short leads.  This will shunt all of the RF "riding" on the shield of the cord straight to the chassis ground before it can get into the amplifier and cause problems.   Any kind of ground lug can be used for the chassis connection of the capacitor.  You may be able to find a solder lug that slips over the shaft of the isolated input jack for a convenient ground lug.  Use of an internal-toothed lockwasher is recommended for these types of connections to insure a good "bite" into the chassis for a good ground.<



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