Huch! Bei mir passiert das nicht. Hab Firefox 2.0 und Linux. Komischerweise wird die Seite heute aber anders angezeigt als gestern. Zumindest sind die Bilder nicht mehr da. Was ist denn da los?
Ich paste einfach mal den Text, obwohl ein Schaltplan natürlich besser wäre, aber der ist dort halt nicht mehr zu finden. Sehr mysteriös.
Hot Rod Deluxe Volume Box
Here you go. The pot is a 100k audio taper; input/output jacks are
normal 1/4" - all bought from Radio Shack. I used a plastic box also
bought from Radio Shack. If you use a metal box you don't need the
ground wire between the negative lugs on the jacks. I just used a
plastic box because it was cheaper and readily available. The in-stock
RS metal boxes are aluminum, more expensive, and bigger than the black
plastic box I got. The black plastic box is about as big as an MXR-size
pedal - plenty of room for two jacks, a pot, and wiring.
It's not pictured on the schematic, but you also need to use a jumper
wire (or bend the pot lug) to ground the lug on the right side of this
picture to solder it to the back of the pot. Let me know if this makes
sense or not. It's really easier than I'm making it sound. There's
also no added noise or anything - it works great for me.
Like I said, the box, pot, and jacks cost me about $8.00 or so. I
already had wire and solder.
Part 2:
Here's a couple JPEGs I promised. First one shows the box sitting on my
amp and gives an idea of how I've got the controls set on the amp (even
though the flash off the chrome panel makes it hard to see, the pointer
knobs should give you an idea).
Second picture shows the inside of box for wiring reference - red =
positive, black = negative. The lug on the right side in this picture
was a bit too far away from the pot casing to be able to bend it to
solder it directly, so I just put that wire through and made it long
enough to solder it (the wire) to both the lug and back of the pot.
Hope this all makes sense. Bottom line - it works great for such an
inexpensive "mod".
Vielleicht liegt es am erwähnten jumper, der von der Rückseite des Potis an die Masse gelötet werden soll. Der Autor fragt ja auch, ob das überhaupt Sinn machen würde.
Ich schau jetzt mal, ob ich die Bilder der Seite noch irgendwo im Cache rumliegen hab.