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Emma kit Voltage

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Offline Zafet

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Emma kit Voltage
« am: 22.03.2021 19:40 »
Hi everybody, I’m new on this forum. And I’ far from fluent in German. Sorry for that.
I build a TT Emma kit (first Amp project for me). I switched it on this WE just for test with a 8 ohm resistor load as HP. No guitar connected. No smell, no spark, it seems fine  :topjob:. However I’ve checked the voltage as on the schéma. Here are the results :
B1 285V, B2 266V (instead on 252V on the scheme), B3 262V vs 248V
On ECC99 I get 8,8V vs 8,5V on pin 3 and 8.
On 12AX7 I get 204V vs 198V on pin 1. 50V for 50V on pin 3. 160V for 158V on pin 6 and 1,35V for 1,2 on pin 8.
On 12AY7 I get 127V for 127V on pin 1 and 6. And 2,1V for 1,9V on pin 3 and 8.
So it seems fine to me but should it match exactly the scheme values ? If yes how I’m supposed to set it ?
Thanks for comments and help.


Offline Volka

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Re: Emma kit Voltage
« Antwort #1 am: 22.03.2021 23:46 »
Hi Zafet,
welcome to this forum!

I think that your voltages look fine : just a few volts above - no need to worry! It may depend on how high or low your Wall Voltage (AC) is...  sometimes this voltage varies.
As a rule of thump your Amp-voltages are allowed to be plus/minus 10 to 20 % from the schematic ...
Hook up a speaker and enjoy  :guitar:
