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Vibro Champ Reverb

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Vibro Champ Reverb
« am: 12.02.2015 18:15 »
Ssseeeewww, meine Neuste.

Fender BF Vibro Champ, mit Hall von den PR, Merlin's 'raw' control, und ein 6SL7 V1.
Trem und Raw footswitchable mit Relays (Dirk's doppel relay board).

Cab ist Walnuss und Riegelahorn, Schwalbenschwanz, Leinoel. Ich wollte die Lautsprecher von hinten anbringen, habe aber nicht mit die Tiefe die WGS G8C gerechnet. Muss eine Loesung finden.



Offline bluesfreak

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Re: Vibro Champ Reverb
« Antwort #1 am: 12.02.2015 18:32 »
Hi Steven

Sweeeeet!  What's your experience with the Octal PreAmp Bottle? Is it worth the space sacrificed? Bold Plates should give a bold tone, or?

let me know...



Offline sev

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Re: Vibro Champ Reverb
« Antwort #2 am: 12.02.2015 18:33 »
Hi Steven
 :topjob: :topjob: :topjob:
That cab is incredible, awesome job!
"If there's more than one way to do a job, and one of those ways will result in disaster, then somebody will do it that way."
--Edward Murphy



  • Gast
Re: Vibro Champ Reverb
« Antwort #3 am: 12.02.2015 18:54 »
Hi Steven

Sweeeeet!  What's your experience with the Octal PreAmp Bottle? Is it worth the space sacrificed? Bold Plates should give a bold tone, or?

let me know...


Hi Blues -

we'll see. I shock-mounted it - I bought an assortment of high-heat automotive 0-rings - but I'm hoping the 5 watts will be weak enough so there isn't a problem with the octal. Right now I have a Brimar in there; I also have some Ultrons (of uncertain manufacture - either Russian or British, probably Russian) - and I will eventually try RCA, GE, and Sylvania.

The amp sounds awesome.  Perfect for blues and any other "roots" music that wants to be a little dirty. I'll do a video as soon as I have time.

Building the cab was an adventure. Despite the bonehead problem with the depth, I'm pretty proud of it.



Offline sev

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Re: Vibro Champ Reverb
« Antwort #4 am: 12.02.2015 19:02 »
Hi Steven,
how much more space do you need to fit the speakers inside the cab?
"If there's more than one way to do a job, and one of those ways will result in disaster, then somebody will do it that way."
--Edward Murphy



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Re: Vibro Champ Reverb
« Antwort #5 am: 12.02.2015 19:46 »
About 5 bloody cm.

I usually cut my cabs for 25 cm depth. No idea why I went with 20 on this one.


Offline Duesentrieb

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Re: Vibro Champ Reverb
« Antwort #6 am: 12.02.2015 20:07 »
Looks awesome.


Offline Holzdruide

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Re: Vibro Champ Reverb
« Antwort #7 am: 12.02.2015 20:11 »

Sehr geile Kiste  :topjob:

Gruß Franz


Offline Robinrockt

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Re: Vibro Champ Reverb
« Antwort #8 am: 12.02.2015 20:56 »
Hi Steven,

pure awesomeness  :topjob: :topjob:

Gefangen vom Ton


Offline sev

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Re: Vibro Champ Reverb
« Antwort #9 am: 12.02.2015 21:29 »
Hi Steve,
what about cutting the cab in half inserting a 5-6cm stripe all the way round, probably made of another wood like cherry or something ^^
"If there's more than one way to do a job, and one of those ways will result in disaster, then somebody will do it that way."
--Edward Murphy



  • Gast
Re: Vibro Champ Reverb
« Antwort #10 am: 12.02.2015 23:22 »
Yeah I thought about that. That 's the last-resort solution, because it will probably turn out badly. I have an idea to recess the speakers in the front that I want to think about first.



  • Gast
Re: Vibro Champ Reverb
« Antwort #11 am: 15.02.2015 08:13 »
Hi Steve,

looks great, awesome! :topjob:

What a beautiful case. :topjob:

Greetings Germy



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Re: Vibro Champ Reverb
« Antwort #12 am: 17.02.2015 17:12 »
Hab Grills installiert.


Offline LöD

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Re: Vibro Champ Reverb
« Antwort #13 am: 17.02.2015 17:15 »
Funktional: ja
Hübsch: nein.
Das hilft Dir jetzt natürlich nicht, ich habe auch leider keine Idee wie man die Speaker nach "hinten" verlegen könnte.
Die gefährlichste aller Weltanschauungen ist die Weltanschauung der Leute, welche die Welt nie angeschaut haben. (A.v.Humboldt)



  • Gast
Re: Vibro Champ Reverb
« Antwort #14 am: 17.02.2015 17:19 »
I have a better solution, but it is a lot of fine woodworking and will take a long time to get right. This will work fine until then.