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« am: 23.01.2016 13:16 »
As some of you know i´m all into hotrods of varying form.
Up here in Sweden a few of us techs stick together,and me and Zven agreed on a joint project. Three of these amps will be made.
Idea is one of a "hotrod" in as much that the chassis we use are from old ABN marked amps made in Sweden back in 1961. Silicon based amps from the onset.

Twin 6V6 amps that use Hammond replacement transformers from Tube-town no less intended for a Fender Deluxe reverb.

Not going to bore you to death with details...just post a few pictures,i guess that will tell the story.

Yep. Tube-town turret boards too.

Two channels,the one channel then dual-mode. Brings that one socket is rubber suspended for an EF-86 tube.

Amp is setup with an old Dynacord 3H choke. Zener diodes vs g2.

All capacitors installed underneath turretboard.

Amp is LDR controlled,and here we see the basic PSU for the LDR control.

quite a few bells & whistles are installed. Microswitches engages/disengages various components for the James Network used,and hence makes the tonal qualitys and attitude of the amp shift quite considerably.

Here the basic "raw" working amp.

Amp is loud as hell seing it´s rather limited powersection. Uses dual PPIMV controls that are LDR controlled. Ie;you can change output volume on the fly by a simple press on a button/switch.

..n here we go as far as sound sample. This is "my" channel of the amp,in EF-86 mode. Cab sports a pair of newly made Celestion Greenbacks of British manufacture. Guitar is a simple Vintage brand Lespaul copy that uses P90´s. The second channel remains to be built,by Zven,so regard this as a first draft.

Hope you enjoy it.  :guitar: