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Jensen p8r magnet dimensions

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Jensen p8r magnet dimensions
« am: 29.04.2019 09:07 »
Hi Folks -

Would someone with a P8R be willing to measure the magnet dimensions for me? Depth is ~50mm, but I don't find anything on the net with the width and height, and I want to put this in a  pretty tight space. Thanks in advance.



Offline guanre

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Re: Jensen p8r magnet dimensions
« Antwort #1 am: 30.04.2019 13:50 »



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Re: Jensen p8r magnet dimensions
« Antwort #2 am: 30.04.2019 15:21 »
Nope. That was the first place I looked. The dimensions I need aren't on the spec sheet.
Thanks though.



Offline Laurent

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Re: Jensen p8r magnet dimensions
« Antwort #3 am: 30.04.2019 16:14 »
Hi Steven,

From the side picture you can measure the dimensions knowing the main diameter? This should be approximately close enough.
I do this with many things if I don't get measurements.




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Re: Jensen p8r magnet dimensions
« Antwort #4 am: 30.04.2019 16:31 »
Hi Steven,

From the side picture you can measure the dimensions knowing the main diameter? This should be approximately close enough.
I do this with many things if I don't get measurements.


Hi Laurent

yes, I've done this (using Visio, actually) but there will still be some error, and I really need the exact dimensions. It is very tight, and this looks like the only 8" speaker that might fit.
As far as I can tell, it's 70x70mm

« Letzte Änderung: 30.04.2019 16:41 von Puddnhaid Husting »


Offline Volka

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Re: Jensen p8r magnet dimensions
« Antwort #5 am: 30.04.2019 20:29 »
Hi Steven,

vielleicht hast du auch (irgendwo in einem anderen Amp) einen 10" P10R? Ich hatte einen 8" als dieser vor Jahren auf den Markt kam und er hatte die selben Maße (also das Hufeisen um den eigentlichen -runden- Alnicomagneten) wie ein 10".
Also: der 'Würfel' vom 8" und vom 10" sind, soviel ich weiß, gleich groß. Vielleicht hilft es...
