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Line out from speaker

  • 3 Antworten
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Offline nunonaos

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Line out from speaker
« am: 19.04.2020 17:20 »
Hello, first of all, i hope all of you are safe and healthy

I want to take the speaker out from my amp into my sound card to apply a speaker sim in the computer (and record with it). i know that i have to run a paralel out to my real speaker to keep the correct load to the amp

I already have built a buffer and am going to build a di based on your schematic:

do you think i also need to build this line out?
or i could just build a line out like this:
and then go through the buffer and di I already have?

so, my question is: can i build a simple line out and safely connect it to a sound card? if it's needed i can run it like this: speaker out->line out box->buffer->di
or do i need to build that line out you propose with a transformer?

thank you


Offline kentuckytukker

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Re: Line out from speaker
« Antwort #1 am: 22.04.2020 14:14 »

I would always go for the balanced output version. Most simple is your first proposal. Option 3 is the most simple circuit to integrate in an excisting amp, but needs an additional loose DI box for safe interconnection to to your PC
the more you drink the WC



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Re: Line out from speaker
« Antwort #2 am: 24.04.2020 10:49 »

Option 1 is ideal for Mixer Mic Inputs, Optinon 2 is the best option for Mixer Line-Inputs or for feeding additional Power Amps. And i  agree with kentuckytukker concerning balanced connections and therefore always would prefer using transformers for balancing.


Offline nunonaos

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Re: Line out from speaker
« Antwort #3 am: 8.05.2020 15:34 »
Thank you for your replies, but I want to confirm if I understand your advices.

I already have built these:
-active buffer
-passive DI
-line out based on the gearslutz image (just added a pot to ground to control the volume)

I want to run the speaker out from the amp to my line out and then to pedals before going into the the pc interface, is it ok to go like this:
Amp->line out->pedals->passsive di
Should I use the active buffer before the pedals?

Should I change my line out build to something with a balanced out? How could I connect a balanced out to my guitar pedals, it wouldn't be possible...?