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TT 5E3 PTs Vertical Vs laydown Specs

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TT 5E3 PTs Vertical Vs laydown Specs
« am: 25.09.2021 19:50 »
We can see in the Tube Town website the following specs for the 5e3 style power transformer:

5E3 Powertransformer , laydown  (tt-5e3-vpo)
Pri.: 0-230V-240V (50Hz)
Sec.1: 320-CT-320 V @ 85 mA DC   
Sec.2: 6,3V C.T. @ 2,5A   
Sec.3: 0-5V @ 2A

5E3 Powertransformer , vertical mount (tt-5e3-pw)
Pri.: 0-120V / 0-110V-120V @ 50Hz
Sec.1: 320-CT-320 V @ 85 mA DC
Sec.2: 6,3V C.T. @ 3,5A   
Sec.3: 0-5V @ 3A

Looking at LX18 schematic using 5e3 vertical mount transformer  the HT rectified put  out over 420V on the 6v6s (jj) plates biased at 50mV.

I have a recent built amp with  2x6v6s (jj). Using the 5e3 laydown power transformer, I can get only 390V at plates biased at 43mv. If I try set the bias hotter the Voltage goes down.

Math says that a 320-0-320 HT power transformer would put under normal load about 320x1,32= 422V (that is confirmed in LX18 schematic), and the answer is:

Why I can get only 390V out of the laydown version if the HTs specs are the same?.

I wanted to  build a BrownFace deluxe, but the final voltage is a bit low for my target.

P.D. It´s true that sec2 and sec3 can put out more current in the vertical mount version, but it should not affect the HTs taps.

Best Regards.