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From PI18 to BE/JJ gain

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Offline danieleb

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From PI18 to BE/JJ gain
« am: 30.04.2022 19:34 »
I have modded my PI18:
- V1B clipping selector (10k / 2k7+680n)
- Low input as jcm800 (after V1A)
- Switch C45/marshall (R6/R7: 68k/100k or 470k+500p/220k)
- Fat switch (2 options from the kit's first cap)
- Presence (as marshall)
- Thump (contour control)
- I removed C9 (too dark)
- and reduced C15 and C7
- removed noise suppressor and mods on MV

I really like it, it's my swiss army knife, I can have a plexi sound, a clean jcm800, a lead jcm800 and an hotrodded marshall (I can record almost all with it).

The question: what can I try to further increase the gain? I can add half ecc83 more? (it'a a problem for the transformer?) or is it better to try diode clipping on the master (in case which diodes it takes)?
Thank you


Offline Laurent

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Re: From PI18 to BE/JJ gain
« Antwort #1 am: 30.04.2022 22:26 »

Friedman uses MPSA06 instead of zeners to clip the signal further. This will not add gain but will increase the clipping level. That makes it useful for heavier styles.

Look at the BE schematics somewhere here in the forum to see how it's wired.

Hope it helps,


Offline danieleb

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Re: From PI18 to BE/JJ gain
« Antwort #2 am: 1.05.2022 11:49 »
Yes, I have 2n3904s, I could try these


Offline danieleb

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Re: From PI18 to BE/JJ gain
« Antwort #3 am: 9.06.2022 06:38 »
I used the friedman clipping, I really like the sound, also the drop in volume is't a problem, the volume pot is more usable.
I'm thinking to remove the clean channel to reduce noise, I have other amps for this.
What about adding a ecc83? the transformer can manage it?
This is a clip with my pi->jj/be18


Offline danieleb

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Re: From PI18 to BE/JJ gain
« Antwort #4 am: 20.08.2022 18:07 »
I tried other mods, I added the voice control of the JJ100 (more or less, I removed the low pass part and kept 3 options for the V2a cap, the classic plexi mod 0.68u, the VH 330u and no cap), I really like the fullness of the 330u. I also lowered the pre filter from 50 + 50 to 32 + 32 and I find it better (the JJ has 16 + 16).