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2 different versions of Dynacord Reference 500

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  • 2006 Aufrufe

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Offline drhardlove

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Hi everybody. Thanks a lot for letting me into the community.
I have nowhere else to go as far as I can see. This is the only site on the web, having some extensive info on the Dynacord Reference 500.

I bought my first Dynacord Reference 500 in Norway in 1986. I lost it due to bad life choices, and missed it ever after. However, I obtained a Roland GR guitar, Pat Metheney style, in the deal, so I guess I'm fine.  :guitar:

I always missed my Ref 500, so finally I got hold of one that had been in storage for a long time, it still had original Telefunken and Philips tubes. :-)

I cleaned an used it straight away, and the clean sound was outstanding. I don't care for the drive, I prefer running my pedals trough it, and it sounds great with those too.

However, I thought the sound always was on the weak side, not pushing the 65 watts I remebered and was expecting, but I didn't care too much because I only use it for studio recording at modest levels.

A while ago a power tube broke down, a print card was a bit loose and keept killing fuses as well, so a tech repaird it and put in a pair of new Sylvana power tubes. The amp still sounds great, I guess the originial telefunken tubes also helps a lot with that. :-)

During the time it was unhealthy, I panicked and bought another Reference 500, in case this one was dying. so now I have two, lucky me.  ::)

When I compare the two, the last one is way louder, and sounds really harsh, no matter what I do. I just opened it and found a big surprise. The last one has a double amount of preamp tubes, and looks  quite different inside.

I will post some pictures on this in a few days.

Does anybody has more information on these two versions of the same amp?

I would love to gather a group of Reference users here, for common good, if there still are some active ones.

Best regards  :topjob: