Hallo !!
Ich bin fransoze und ich spreche deutsch nicht gut. Also, ich versuche im englisch

I'm studying MB DR schematics for some weeks in order to understand all parts and to build one soon.
I've got different schematics but use espacially this one :
http://www.tube-town.de/diy/dual_rectifiers/mesa_boogie_dual_rectifier_schematic_original.zipsome questions didn't find any answer yet :
- the LDRs in the switch matrix section : where can I found them and what can I use ? (reed relays ? ...)
- there is two switches : RLY1 et 2 (FX bypass and clean / disto selection) --> what are there ? what can I use ?
- same question with the S9 switch fot channel cloning
- how does the switching matrix work ?
about the power section :
- the bias supply : HOW can we make a -51 bias voltage supply with only the 50 AC supply ? I'm studied electronic and there is something I can't understand in this.
- the power transformer : I think I should take the Hammond power transf 373BX. what do you think about it ?
- the output transformer : I choose the hammond 1650T. 120 W is better than 100 W isn't it ? in order to not distored the output signal !
- but : Is the output impedance of this transformer ok for a MB Drecto ? I couldn't find any information about the original one
THX in advance for all the information you can give me !
let's rooock !!!
tschüss !!!