hi Dirk,
i have some information from the importer, the invader has no adjustable bias, is has a fixed bias.
they promiced me the schematics, but worned my about my warranty.
your right about the tube monitoring system, it does not respond on missing tubes.
however when i remove 2 engl tubes the anode current go's up. (by 10 percent)
like i thought before, removing tubes interferes the bias.
and i also discovered that the amp sounds more thin with less tubes.
i even run it on 2 tubes and then it sounds verry different with the same stock tubes.
when i put in the svetlana's, the amp sounded more open, and less thick, more bright.
but i only had 4 tubes, i think just like the stock tubes that the sound will be warmer with 6 tubes.
i have tried jj e34l tubes (i had only 2 tubes) it sounds warmer then the svetlana's but i'm afraid the sound will get too thick with 6 tubes.(but its still guessing.)
also what is very interesting, is the anode current on these tubes.
in the same amp, with fixed bias, 2 svetlana's had a higher anode current then 2 stock engl tubes.
and 2 jj's had a higher anode current then the svetlana's.
with some calculating, the svetlana's schould have a anode current of 29,5mA with 6 tubes.
and the JJ E34L schould have 37mA anode current. so that means i don't have to mod the amp.
i just have to replace the tubes by svetlana's or jj's.
A frend or mine also have svetlana EL34 tubes,
i have asked him to borrow 2 tubes (together with my 4 tubes that makes 6

so i will be testing that tomorrow
pitty i dont know sombody with jj e34l tubes.
greetings Gert