Yeah.. you NEED to use Bass 2 Mids 10 Treble 8, and master on 10, else you're a kid. And you need to have your amp Voodoo modded, and replace every part apart from the box and chassis

However, they all praise albums like Carcass's Heartwork, or the newer Kreator etc, which was recorded with a completely stock amp, with mids and volume on 2!
When you tell them that, they say "no it's something the studio people said so you can't copy their tone, get a Voodoo mod, try with the mids on 10 and crank the master up"

I think mids on 2 is the sweet spot too, but it sounds good from 1.5 - 4. I also think that it doesn't sound really good when you crank the volume, i think this amp likes a "clean" power stage (500 volts on the plates

). 4 - 5 is the limit, i like it at 2-3, i tend to keep it more at 2 because i want to keep my ears.. and my fiancée happy..
I set the bias at 63% of max. plate dispassion (a lot of people who sells tubes say 70%.. hmm). I think the bias mod does not make a very big difference with high gain IMO, but it makes the clean sound (a lot) better. I could use the clean from my amp on a recording, but i don't play country/jazz/whatever where you need an amazing clean anyway, i like to use what I got

Without the bias mod the clean is horrible and sounds like a distorted car speaker :p
Anyone know how the JJ 6L6, the TAD 5881 and the TT 6L6-STR sound compared to each other?