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SLO chassis

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Offline Grimlock

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SLO chassis
« am: 23.12.2007 15:24 »
I'm on the verge of starting to build the Soldano SLO 100.  I think I have about all the schematics and layouts for the electronics. But I'm looking for a plan for the chassis. Starting with the dimension. If someone has a drill-plan as well that would be super. Cause I want to do ALL of it "myself". From A to Z. I guess it's a honour-issue ;)

I know this topic might be a repost, but I'm from belgium. I know a little german from watching ZDF or WDR when I was little but I asure you, the mouse and the elephant  didn't actually have a "how do I make a soldano" episode. So my german is a little poor to understand all of this

so if someone can help me out, that would be super!



Offline Joachim

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #1 am: 24.12.2007 01:28 »
Hi Dimitri,

you will find a chassis drawing in the sloclone forum (Layout Archive-->SLO Layout [first posting]). It's part of the file slocomplete.pdf. Unfortunately it has no dimensions but maybe you can take the dimensions from the drawing if it's in scale. My brownsound chassis has a width of 670mm.

All the best,
Live long and prosper.


Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #2 am: 24.12.2007 09:59 »
Thx Joachim

I allready downloaded that a while ago, But the file doesn't give any scales ... that's why I needed to know the dimensions.
Maybe if anyone knew the width of their SLO-shassis...of maybe the size of a drilhole for the tube-sockets...that would get me started I guess. Cause if I knew that...I can derive al the other measurements from that?

thx a lot tough for trying to help me out, dude!




Offline Joachim

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #3 am: 24.12.2007 10:43 »
As I mentioned above my SLO chassis has a comfortable width of 670 millimeters. However it's a brownsound chassis and was not sure if this is identical to the one in the draft. The original SLO chassis has 640 millimeters and the Weber chassis 563 millimeters (quite small  :-\).

So I measured the chassis drawing in Acrobat and it had exactly 563x190x61,7 mm. Looks like a Weber chassis clone.

« Letzte Änderung: 24.12.2007 13:47 von Joachim »
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Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #4 am: 24.12.2007 13:42 »
thx dude!

I'm in the middle of my exams right now so the logical thinking gets a onewayticket to my books and I tend to forget to use it in other situations like this one. So you did the thinking for me...shame on me  :-[...but thx! let's hope it's ok that way...otherwise I'll be drilling holes for the tubesockets wich are too small...of to big.

I'm anxious to start...but I have to wait for the PCB's to arive as well as getting my ass to the electronica-shop to buy my components...I hope it has all I need otherwise I'm stuck with mailorder again...and awfull waiting times ^^ i'm not made for waithing.

excited greetings


Offline Joachim

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #5 am: 24.12.2007 13:51 »
Don't worry Dimitri, I spend dozens of hours doing SLO research for my Jo SLO. So why no sharing this knowledge with you.

If I can help you in any way please let me know :)

Happy Holidays :guitar:,

Live long and prosper.


Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #6 am: 25.12.2007 15:45 »
haha, I'm again ahead of you! I saw that topic allready thinking " dear god, with all these pictures; I just might pull it off!!
My friend and I are each gonna build might come in handy to work parallel and I allready told him: " damn, If we're ever stuck, we'll ask that joachim guy or Dirk.

tomorrow I'll visit the electronica shop to look for components. And after that, it's just waiting for Dirk so return my mail so I can place my final order for the SLO-pcb's...on the other hand...I should be studying for my exames in january. So it's probably good if it took a while for the PCB's to arive here :D

happy hollidays from all the way in belgium


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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #7 am: 16.02.2008 16:11 »
So I've got my PCB's, ordered most of the components from and ready to get started, but now i noticed that the layout of the PCB of Tubetown isn't the same as the layout of the one I have on my computer. It means that my Bill Of materials is not compatibel with the tubetown-layout.

Is there someone who can send me a BOM that is compatible with the tubetown layout so I can figure out what the Cx, Cx, Rx, Rx, VRx etc stand for. I think about 50% of the codes are the same, but not all



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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #8 am: 17.02.2008 13:12 »
I emaild with Dirk and he told me that There are people here on the forum that have a Bill of Materials that is compatibel with the PCB that can be ordered at tubetown. Is there anyone who can upload that BOM so I can start figuring everything out?

kind regards
Dimitri Derwael


Offline Joachim

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #9 am: 17.02.2008 13:19 »
Hi Dimitri,

there is a partlist available, but only in German and with subject to change:;topic=3292.0;attach=6019

However the part descriptions and values should be understandable, anyway.

Hope this helps!


Live long and prosper.


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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #10 am: 18.02.2008 21:01 »
it helps a lot ^^


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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #11 am: 28.02.2008 09:18 »
So far so good! My PCB for the pre-amp is almost finished. But I've got some problems with the powersuply-PCB because some of the components are not declared in the Bill of Materials, So I hope someone could help me out?

it's about C26, C27,C28...also, I can't find what the "V16" stands for?

kindest regards and thanks for the help so far ;)


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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #12 am: 28.02.2008 22:29 »
ok, V16 is just a rectifier...I should've known that  :-\
but someone that can help me out with the capacitors?


Offline Joachim

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #13 am: 28.02.2008 23:25 »
Hi Dimitri,

This is the DC heater supply. V16 ist a reactifier (I used B250/C1500, B40 or B80 are fine as well). C26-C28 are electrolytic caps  (4700µF/16V).

Please refer also to the PSU schematic:;topic=3292.0;attach=6017

I will update the parts list, soon.

Live long and prosper.


Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #14 am: 29.02.2008 14:16 »
thx man! ^^