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SLO chassis

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Offline cliff

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #30 am: 17.05.2008 19:36 »
euhm...any difference between the silver wire type and regular copper wire?

Don't mix up cables and wire.

I use the cables from Dirk. These are silicone covered, tin-plated copper cables.
The wire I use are silvered copper wires.

Greetz Klaus

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Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #31 am: 22.05.2008 20:24 »
cable = wound?
wire = solid?

where do I use cable and where do I use whire? is there a basic rule I can follow? There are several layouts where they clearly used the solid type, like to connect the bass/treble/dept/...-potentio meters. But all the other wires/cables are covered so I can't see the difference.

it might be hard to say exactly wich ones are wire and wich onces are cable...but maybe if you indicate it by color (the layout by cliff for example) or just tell me a rule I can follow?


Offline cliff

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #32 am: 22.05.2008 21:22 »
cable = wound?
wire = solid?

where do I use cable and where do I use whire? is there a basic rule I can follow? There are several layouts where they clearly used the solid type, like to connect the bass/treble/dept/...-potentio meters. But all the other wires/cables are covered so I can't see the difference.

it might be hard to say exactly wich ones are wire and wich onces are cable...but maybe if you indicate it by color (the layout by cliff for example) or just tell me a rule I can follow?


I use wire (solid) on all octal-sockets. This can be seen on Soldano amps too.
Soldano uses wire for the heating on the preamp tubes as well. I use cables instead.

Hope this helps.

Greetz Klaus
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Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #33 am: 28.07.2008 18:59 »
so my work is finally making progress! I'll put some foto's up in a few days...keep in mind I'm only doing this for the first time so my work isn't even close to the doktor-work as done by "cliff". It's rather sloppy :D. But if it sticks firmly it conducts right? no mather how crappy it looks ^^. A lot of thx to mister cliff though cause your pictures together with the electric schematics made it relatively easy to understand ^^

But since a have a question:
in the electric schematics made by joachim Muller (attached in the topic "Jetzt baut der auch noch einen SLO Clone") there are connections made to "plates" and "screens".

what is meant by that?
« Letzte Änderung: 28.07.2008 19:01 von Grimlock »


Offline Joachim

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #34 am: 28.07.2008 19:32 »
Hi Dimitri,

My schematic of the amp is divided into two sheets (PSU and amp circuit). You will find the labels Plates and Screens on both sheets and you simply need to connect both in your amp's circuit.

By the way - you will find the latest version of my schematics here:

Live long and prosper.


Offline cliff

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #35 am: 28.07.2008 20:49 »
so my work is finally making progress! I'll put some foto's up in a few days...keep in mind I'm only doing this for the first time so my work isn't even close to the doktor-work as done by "cliff". It's rather sloppy :D.


The Slo-Clone was my first amp too, sereously!

Greetz Klaus
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Offline Joachim

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #36 am: 28.07.2008 21:01 »
The Slo-Clone was my first amp too, sereously!

Same with me ;D. Of course I made modifications to existing amps and there is still a non-finished amp on the shelf but the SLO was my amp build I build from scratch.

Live long and prosper.


Offline cliff

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #37 am: 28.07.2008 21:39 »
Same with me ;D. Of course I made modifications to existing amps and there is still a non-finished amp on the shelf but the SLO was my amp build I build from scratch.


Gut, dann erklären wir Deinen Slo-Clone zum "Sauberkeitsgewinner".  ;D

Im ernst. Viel sauberer geht ein Aufbau meiner Ansicht nach nicht. Und Dein Fender-Clone steht dem wohl auch in nichts nach und dahat man ja mal richtig wenig Platz.

Viele Grüße, Klaus

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Offline Joachim

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #38 am: 28.07.2008 21:45 »
Gut, dann erklären wir Deinen Slo-Clone zum "Sauberkeitsgewinner".

Und ich hatte ein deja-vu, als ich in deinem Amp schauen durfte. Also gibt's keinen Gewinner ;D

Grüße nach HH,
Live long and prosper.


Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #39 am: 29.07.2008 12:12 »
it was actually also the first time "das ich habe gelötet"  (to make my first german contribution :D) before this, the furthest I went was making my own guitar lack of patience might have something to do with it as well. allthough I think this might be the most patient I've ever been :)

I also noticed that by working with my self-made chassis (based on a weber model someone said?) I don't have a lot of room to work in. everything is pretty close and narrow compared to the other chassis it seems. Also I'll have some trouble placing the smallest PCB in the chassis. With the large capacitors on it...the hight is about the same hight as my it'll be hard to elevate it from the chassis.

I'm excited though...cause eventhough there are some troubles, everything looks still ok. and though the "löting" might look a little sloppy...I'm learning a lot ^^

another question for someone who wants to answer it ;) :
In the electric scheme, there's a C100 capacitor (1nF) connected to the centerpin of the OD Volume but I can't find that on any of the pictures. Or is this capacitor something like the C9 that gives more "bite" when removed?


Offline The Tube-Factor

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #40 am: 29.07.2008 13:20 »
C100 and C9 are completely different in function. C100 gives more bite, whereas C9 is used to tame the fizzy highend.
I hope I´m getting this right:C100 is a High-pass , C9 a low pass.

In my Marshall 2203 I love the 1nf over the gain pot, wihtout it, it´s kinda dull. C9 depends on what kind of sound your after. I think Jo wrote that he left it  out.
It depends on your gain setting I think, most highgain amps get more fizzy the higher the gain pot is set.


Offline Joachim

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #41 am: 29.07.2008 13:42 »
In the electric scheme, there's a C100 capacitor (1nF) connected to the centerpin of the OD Volume but I can't find that on any of the pictures. Or is this capacitor something like the C9 that gives more "bite" when removed?

This cap (C100) is known as the bright cap. With that cap at the poti there will be no treble loss when turning back the gain poti. So you will actually obtain more bite when you turn down the poti. But some people dislike this effect and remove the cap. This results in a fatter sound.

C9 provides a treble cut. And - if your amp tends to oscillate in the high gain channel - it will also dampen this effect. Finally the amp will sound more creamy and a bit more compressed with that cap.

Currently my SLO is equipped with a bright cap and I had in mind that I also re-added also C9 some time ago.

As tube-factor mentioned above it is finally a matter of taste ;).

« Letzte Änderung: 2.08.2008 10:37 von Joachim »
Live long and prosper.


Offline The Tube-Factor

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #42 am: 29.07.2008 13:45 »
 I forgot to mention:

leaving out C100 is the famous Warren haynes mod  ;)
Just search in Jo´s "schritt-für schritt" Thread.


Offline Joachim

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #43 am: 29.07.2008 13:58 »
Live long and prosper.


Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #44 am: 30.07.2008 10:20 »
I did't mean that C9 and C100 were the same...I just ment to ask if C100 was an arbitray (free of choice) cap just like C9...
and so it seems ;)

thx for the info. I think I'll just attach it and later on when it's ready to make some noise I'll just hear what I like best...with or without ^^