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Frage zu Trafos zum SLO 100

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Offline Kramusha

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Re: Frage zu Trafos zum SLO 100
« Antwort #60 am: 28.03.2008 12:17 »
Look at this. The first one is the midpoint rectifier, the second one the bridge rectifier. You have to connect the two inputs of the rectifier, connect this bridge with ground and connect the Power transformer leads witz the diodes.

Stefan :)


Offline Grimlock

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Re: Frage zu Trafos zum SLO 100
« Antwort #61 am: 28.03.2008 14:21 »
so the first one's if I buy one from tubetown and the second if I buy one from TAD?


Offline Kramusha

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Re: Frage zu Trafos zum SLO 100
« Antwort #62 am: 28.03.2008 14:33 »
No, the first is TAD/normal Soldano and the second way is the tubetown. Jo's layouts are for the first way (midpoint).

Stefan :)

PS: omg mein Englisch ist nicht mal mehr holprig, das ist eine Wanderung zum Mount Everest  ::) :o


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Re: Frage zu Trafos zum SLO 100
« Antwort #63 am: 28.03.2008 15:27 »
PS: omg mein Englisch ist nicht mal mehr holprig, das ist eine Wanderung zum Mount Everest  ::) :o

it's good enough for me to understand ;)

any difference in quality between the tubetown version and the TAD-version?


Offline Kramusha

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Re: Frage zu Trafos zum SLO 100
« Antwort #64 am: 28.03.2008 16:00 »
No, I use the tubetown/Müller Rondo transformer in this amp:

No problems, 520V Ub. The transformer is great :) But I don't know the TAD transformer.. :/

Stefan :)


Offline Joachim

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Re: Frage zu Trafos zum SLO 100
« Antwort #65 am: 28.03.2008 19:02 »
Hi Dimitri!

any difference in quality between the tubetown version and the TAD-version?

No, not really a difference in quality. The main difference is the technical design and the winding scheme of the high voltage coil. Finally it is a matter of taste if you prefer a conventional or a toroidal transformer.

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Offline Grimlock

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Re: Frage zu Trafos zum SLO 100
« Antwort #66 am: 28.03.2008 19:06 »
I've looked at the this the full bridge rectifier? If uploaded it so you know what I mean. If that is in fact the case...I don't realy know how to change it cause that rectifier bridge is on the pcb...unless...does a midpoint rectifier exist as an electronic component? if so, it's not that hard to adjust...

you just bring the midpoint directly to the ground instead of connecting the rectifier bridge to the ground...seems logic


Offline Grimlock

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Re: Frage zu Trafos zum SLO 100
« Antwort #67 am: 28.03.2008 19:30 »
isn't this a midpoint rectifier?


Offline Kramusha

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Re: Frage zu Trafos zum SLO 100
« Antwort #68 am: 28.03.2008 19:48 »
Exactly :) I think you can see, what you have to change on the PCB. It should be no problem ;)

Stefan :)


Offline Joachim

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Re: Frage zu Trafos zum SLO 100
« Antwort #69 am: 28.03.2008 20:23 »
Live long and prosper.


Offline Grimlock

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Re: Frage zu Trafos zum SLO 100
« Antwort #70 am: 28.03.2008 23:33 »
Thx joachim, though that was nothing new :) it's relatively easy compared to the crap you can do when you put thyristors instead of diodes...

but I can't seem to find a component that has the function of a midpoint rectifier. unless I start messing around with diodes and create one myself but I think the result won't be as pretty as is should. It would turn out a mess I presume.

I think the TAD-trafo would be the safest choise...I would buy it from tubetown but...I feel like I'm going to make it harder on myself...with an even higher risk of fxxxing it up ^^ wich is by now allready very likely :D


Offline Joachim

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Re: Frage zu Trafos zum SLO 100
« Antwort #71 am: 29.03.2008 07:26 »
Hi Dimitri,

but I can't seem to find a component that has the function of a midpoint rectifier. unless I start messing around with diodes and create one myself but I think the result won't be as pretty as is should. It would turn out a mess I presume.

The full wave rectifier with a center tap (midpoint rectifier is very uncommon term) has to be build discretely with separate diodes (1N5408 or UF5408 in a SLO). You will find no integrated parts with the complete rectifier. Only bridge rectifiers are available as discrete devices.

Do you are using PCBs? In this case the diodes are located on the Power Supply PCB and no further wiring is nescessary. Only the bridge rectifier requires additional wiring as this option is not provided on the PCB.

Live long and prosper.


Offline Kramusha

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Re: Frage zu Trafos zum SLO 100
« Antwort #72 am: 20.05.2008 17:03 »
Hmm.. Wer hat noch schnell gesagt, dass normale Trafos schöner sind als Ringkerntrafos? <-- SLO Trafo von TAD.



Offline Dr. Nöres

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Re: Frage zu Trafos zum SLO 100
« Antwort #73 am: 20.05.2008 17:41 »
Scheint, das keine Trafohauben beim TAD dabei sind. Sollte man eigentlich bei dem Preis erwarten können.
Allerdings wenn man passende HAuben dafür schön schwarz lackiert und montiert, sieht der imho doch bestimmt ganz gut aus. Ist natürlich Geschmackssache. Der Ringkern sieht meineserachtens eher nach großem Bonbon aus, was noch in der Plastikfolie auf den Verzehr wartet. ;D Sorry.


Offline Kramusha

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Re: Frage zu Trafos zum SLO 100
« Antwort #74 am: 20.05.2008 17:45 »
Pfüü..  :sex: