
I'm a very satisfied customer of Tube Town

! I've just modified a Roost SR20 amp (50 watts) to Hiwatt Custom 50 (early 70' preamp).
Actually, I have two Mullard EL34 XF3 - 2 Brimar ECC83 - 1 Mullard 12ax7 and 1 JJ 12AT7 in phase inverter.
I'm not sure of the "good state" of those tubes except the JJ bought recently at Tube Town.
But the tube seems works Ok - No buzz or hum.
However, I have a little hum with the V3 tube :
I tried a JJ ECC83 - 12AX7EH - Ei ECC83 - and the original Brimar this position, and there's always a little hum.
With the Mullard, no noise, no hum - pure silence !!!
But I prefer the Mullard in V2 position... Why the Mullard reduce the hum and not the other tubes ? Is a 12AX7 LPS will reduce the hum as the Mullard ?
Also, what is the best tubes for my Hiwatt in stock at Tube Town (except the NOS Mullard of course - to expensive for me...) ?
I want the cleanest sound as possible (Pure Hiwatt sound) with tight bass, defined mids et chimey trebles.
The EL34 SED Winged C seems Ok for the Hiwatt or not ? And for the preamp ? Is the Amperex Buggle Boy a good choice ? Is the 12AT7 is also important as the V1 V2 V3 ?
Thanks and sorry for my "rusty" English