fragt einfach beim Mesa-Boogie-Support Deutschland nach (zu finden auf der Mesa Homepage)
ich hab dort problemlos die Schaltpläne für beide Roadking-Versionen bekommen
Hello! (Sorry for writing in english but I can't read/write german well...

I've already tried to contact my local mesa official support in France about roadking schematics but I had no result. They don't want to give me anything...
Which method did you used to get such schematics? I'm really curious cause there was no way for me! Thank you in advance!
About the first information in this topic: If someone want's to get information about how they can use different types of power tubes, you can look for the US patent related to tube mixing in power amplifiers owned by Mesa in the internet. It's not completely the same system but I remember it was dealing about EL84 and 6L6 or 6V6 in the same power amplifying circuitry.
I could try to recover the pdf dealing with that if someone is interested in.