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Technik => Tech-Talk Amps => Thema gestartet von: larsthestrat am 22.03.2011 08:33

Titel: Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: larsthestrat am 22.03.2011 08:33

I did all the mods from the TT -site (valve jr.). I really like the sound of this amp now, but I would like less gain coming from it (more headroom). Are there any mods I can do to achieve this
(different pre-amp tube, changing resistors, etc.).

grt. lars

Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: mc_guitar am 22.03.2011 09:12

The easiest way would be to use a different preamptube. Instead of the normally used 12AX7/ECC83 try a 5751 which would have about 70% of the gain of a 12AX7 or try even a 12AT7 for even less gain but some more compression.

Cheers Micha
Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: larsthestrat am 22.03.2011 14:00


would this make the amp less loud or will it decrease the gain. I'm looking for the last thing, decreasing the gain but the amp should give the same amount of (clean volume).
I want to use it on stage, but with less gain....

grt. lars
Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: Caisa am 22.03.2011 14:04
I would like to recommend you a 12AT7.

The  GE 5751 in V1 of my Valve Junior sounds great but you'll not notice considerably less gain than with a JJ 12AX7.



To further increase the clean headroom you might try a NFB mod, discussed here ( Try efficient speaker too!

Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: larsthestrat am 22.03.2011 14:10

and will the amp stay as loud as with the 12ax7?

Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: bea am 22.03.2011 14:10
The loudness of the amp is entirely determined by the last stage, i.e. the EL84 and to some degree on its working parameters (load impedance, screen voltage, anode voltage). If You reduce gain You need a higher input voltage to achieve the maximum power. On this level of argumentation it will not matter how the gain is reduced - by tubes with lower gain, by voltage dividers or by NFB (just to name some examples).

One simple and cheap method to reduce gain might be the removal of *all* cathode capacitances. This will add local NFB to each stage and, as a drawback, increased output resistance of that stage. Unfortunately we do not know what You mean by "all the mods" - some of the proposed mods might be contradicting.

BTW: changing tubes was the first of my modifications. Later on i restored the original tubes.

Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: larsthestrat am 22.03.2011 14:18


I did the mods mentioned in the DIY section of Tube Town, so adding a gain stage, tone-stack, new tranny, JJ tubes, etc.

grt lars
Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: Caisa am 22.03.2011 14:27
Why did you added a gainstage when you aim for extended clean headroom  ???
Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: bea am 22.03.2011 14:41
So the next thing to do might be to remove the gain stage You added, won't it? And then You might have a lokk into the forum. Some users, among them i, have modded the amp in the direction You like to have. This is documented in almost every detail - simply read the stuff and pick the ideas You like.

Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: larsthestrat am 22.03.2011 15:04
okay I have a second epiphone valve junior with a bitmo mod (tonepot). I will try to mod this one to these new specs you refer to (and use the hammond tranny from the first one). Do you have the post on when to look for these mods?

I'm not able to find them.....

grt. lars
Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: bea am 22.03.2011 15:20
Just a few lines deeper in the thread listing - the GA-5 modding thread:,5240.msg134910.html#msg134910 (this refers to te other extrem - a bass amp)

and of course all the pages before.

Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: larsthestrat am 22.03.2011 15:37
okay, I can read a little bit german, so I can figure this out maybe. Which page do I start reading?? There's a lot to read. I would like to go  for maximum clean sound, but don't want to go less loud.
Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: bea am 22.03.2011 17:00
The easiest approach is to adapt my approach, maybe without the tone stack.

Reading: i read everything from page 1. Initially even several times.
Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: larsthestrat am 22.03.2011 17:06
okay thanks!
Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: Dirk am 22.03.2011 19:20
instead of removing the second tube stage, adding a new switch for bypassing the 2nd tube is also an option and will lead to a 3-Channel micro amp.
Also check the plate resistor Ra1. Replace it with an 68k resistor. Remove or make C4 switchable.

Regards, Dirk
Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: larsthestrat am 23.03.2011 08:10
okay, that's a good idea. I will check that one out. Do you mean bij Ra1 the resistor that was essentially 1M (pull down resistor)?
regards, lars
Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: mc_guitar am 23.03.2011 08:22

No Ra1 means the AnodeLoadresistor of the V1A system. Change it from 100kOhms to 68kOhms, which will get less gain out of V1A. Check the schematic Dirk has in the ValveJunior Mod section.

Cheers Michael
Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: larsthestrat am 23.03.2011 08:30

thanks! so I need to change both R3 and R4, or just one of them?
grt. lars
Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: mc_guitar am 23.03.2011 08:33
I would start by changing R3, then listen to the amp and decide whether it is clean enough.
Maybe clip C4 off, or as Dirk suggested make C4 switchable.

Cheers Micha
Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: larsthestrat am 23.03.2011 08:35
I will do that and let you know!
Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: larsthestrat am 23.03.2011 08:42
final quistion, I thought that bij removing C4 the amp losses some of it's bass. Is this correct?
Titel: Re:Less gain in valve jr mods
Beitrag von: mc_guitar am 23.03.2011 08:54
final quistion, I thought that bij removing C4 the amp losses some of it's bass. Is this correct?

No. C4 reduces the local negative feedback for that tubestage. With 22µ it should be almost fully compensated and you have no lnfb for the full frequnecy range. So you get more gain overall. If you only lower the value of C4, say 100nF you will reduce the nfb for only the higher frequencies. That will result in a higher gain for highs and a lower gain for the lows. So you will hear less bass, because it has less gain than the highs.
For that read (

Cheers Micha