Tube-Town Forum
Technik => Tech-Talk Mesa Boogie => Thema gestartet von: BesaMoogie am 20.10.2006 14:01
Hi there,
I wish my German was good so I that I could join in more on this superb forum! Sorry that I have to post in English :)
My question:
Which Mesa Boogie schematics have been discovered to be false? I have the 3ch Dual Rectifier schematics, are they correct?
What about the Mark IV and Mark IIC+ schematics?
I have started to build a 3ch Rectifier and am soon going to need the help of all the good people of this forum. Wish me luck :bier:
auf schaltplan vielleicht es gibt einige fehler oder einige elektronisches Bauelement mit anderem wert
das weiss ich noch nicht :-[
bye :)
Hi Henry,
Welcher schaltplan? Die 3ch Rectifier?
People here have been building the 3ch Rectifier - is it correct? I'm especially interested in knowing the accuracy of the mkIIc+, mkIV and 3ch Rectifier schematics.
Vielen Dank
The 3 Channel Rectifier Schematic is correct but it misses some Parts
which you have to redesign to get the Channel Switching and Footswitch to work.
cu :)
Hi Killigrew, I've been following your Rectifier project on this forum, congratulations on such a fine build :)
I also noticed the Switching Matrix pt 2 is missing from the 3ch Rectifier schematics, but I studied the Nomad 100 schematics where a similair logic switching system is used with the LM3914 bar/dot driver, where different voltages on the SWB buses are used to drive the LM3914 which in turns on FETS that in turn trigger Relays for the various switchign functions.
I noticed people on this forum are using alternative switching systems - is this because it is superior to the Mesa system, or they can't find a suitable circuit to replace switching pt.2? I personally think that Relays are more reliable and the "mute bus" is quite a good idea, and am going to try and re-create it (I want to buy a Rectifier footswitch on eB*y etc).
What do you think?
Most people use there own System because they think that there own is superior or just cheaper or
they don't have the knowlede to create another.
You can use what ever you like, every System has it's advanteges and disadvanteges,
but the Relays and Mute Bus strategy does have the problem that you hear pops when you switch channels
many people are complaining about this problem when they have a new Rectifier,
so perhaps you should use VTLs ore something similar like Mesa had used in there old Rectifiers.
cu :)
Thanks for the help Killi. I have a Nomad 45 which uses the same kind of relay/mute bus circuit and it's very quiet, but my Road King series 1 had noisy channel switching. I have all the parts for Mesa's circuit, and I have made a footswitch + relay + mute bus PCB, so I will test that first, but I need to build the 3ch Rectifier preamp first.
Do you have a relay function chart for the 3ch Rectifier please?
No, sry, i have none,
but it isn't that hard to find out
compared to difficultis in building the hole amp
cu & and good luck :)