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My first amp from scratch...

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Offline uncletapp

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My first amp from scratch...
« am: 8.11.2009 20:07 »

Excuse me for not writing in Deutch...I can read and understand but no more....
I have done quite lot of repairs and mods over the years so i decided to try to make one from scratch.
Most of the parts comes actually from Tube-Town....great store!!

This is a high gain amp with 2 channels. One clean and one with lots of gain.
It is a metal amp...nothing is no copy...

There is no High-End output transformer but it supprised me....

Enclosing some pictures...might inspire someone else to build...
Picture of prototype...


Power supply...



Offline Bierschinken

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Re: My first amp from scratch...
« Antwort #1 am: 8.11.2009 20:34 »
Hello Hans,

that is a pretty nice looking amp.

Do you have some pictures of better resolution? - and perhaps a schematic?



Offline Dirk

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Re: My first amp from scratch...
« Antwort #2 am: 8.11.2009 22:31 »
Do you have some pictures of better resolution? - and perhaps a schematic?

and of course some sound samples ? Ever never post any pictures of an diy amp in a german forum without schematic and sound samples  ;D

Best regards, Dirk
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Offline uncletapp

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Re: My first amp from scratch...
« Antwort #3 am: 9.11.2009 12:23 »
that is a pretty nice looking amp.
Do you have some pictures of better resolution?
Thanks....I will add some better pictures when the enclousure is ready.
- and perhaps a schematic?
and of course some sound samples ? Ever never post any pictures of an diy amp in a german forum without schematic and sound samples

Schematic will come but it will not include the gain circuit ;) becuase i have spent some hours on that one...
The main reason for my posting was to show a home made amp for inspiration... ;)
I have no soundclips on this particullar amp ... but the same gain circuit added to a couple of Marshalls sounds like...
First song..."Hang him high"
Four first songs...

« Letzte Änderung: 9.11.2009 15:19 von uncletapp »