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Blown PT on JCM900, which replacement?

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Offline piresito

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Blown PT on JCM900, which replacement?
« am: 4.09.2010 19:08 »
I've got a JCM 900, the 4102 model, with a blown power transformer.
I need a replacement, which one is recommended, the original Marshall, or the Hammond replacement (290JX)?

Best regards,


Offline Dirk

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Re:Blown PT on JCM900, which replacement?
« Antwort #1 am: 4.09.2010 19:50 »

you can use both PTs without a problem. Some customers prefer the "Original" (and cheaper) PT others prefer the Hammond. The result should be the same.

Best regards, Dirk

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Offline piresito

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Re:Blown PT on JCM900, which replacement?
« Antwort #2 am: 7.09.2010 12:52 »
Thank you for your reply.
I already bought the Hammond. BTW, the hammond happens to be the cheaper one, even if the price is almost the same, isn't it?