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Merlin standby switching

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Merlin standby switching
« am: 30.01.2011 09:36 »
Hat irgendjemand schon ein von die Standby-Switch Varianten probiert, die Merlin auf Seite 97 seine neue Buch darstellt?
Erfahrung? Kommentar?




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Re:Merlin standby switching
« Antwort #1 am: 30.01.2011 12:49 »
Never mind, I implemented the first variation, it works just like he says. How about that.


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Re:Merlin standby switching
« Antwort #2 am: 30.01.2011 15:22 »
Hi Steven,

so you implemented the circuitry as shown in Fig 5.12A? - It works, but theres a better way by putting the resistor within the cathodepath of the outputtubes. No HV-switching, Preamp-Out etc. work even in standby.

To my extend, no standby is better then the trickiest standby ;)




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Re:Merlin standby switching
« Antwort #3 am: 30.01.2011 15:56 »
I'm getting to that point, too.

This amp already had a standby in it (a 5E8 which is nearly finished), and in an other amp I had seen the "bright blue flashes," shortly followed by rectifier failure, that he describes on pg 47, and this looked like the quickest solution. I had always wired my standbys to switch the HV secondary, before the rectifier, so that the switch would not be switching DC.

I think I'll drop the standby completely in the future, at least for valve rectifiers.
