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Retube Engl Savage SE 660

  • 4 Antworten
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Offline soulgod

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Retube Engl Savage SE 660
« am: 17.06.2012 21:35 »
hi guys, great site which contains a lot of info

I am writing in English, i am from Belgium and my German is not so good. So for the moment i owe a engl savage se e660 (and a Mesa boogie)  and i wish to try some tubes but don't know reallly which way to go. The main issue for the moment is that i find the engl sounds to less gain and it produces a lot of noise I play 7 string which are dropped A tuned (shecter and blackat) with blackout active elements and i use a maxon od-9 for boosting it a bit. Now, the sound i want to go is a full sounding, going when playing the A string very low and heavy sounding and when hitting the high very clear, i want to hear the growl of the amp , don't know if it even is possible, now i have some ways to go but don't know sure which are the best opinion, so if anybody could help you're very welcome.

1, save for a diezel vh4 :-D
2, use instead of 6l6 , 4 kt66 , or use another brand of 6l6
3, change the V1, V2, V3  to a JJ ecc83 (which seams to sound not so good) or a TT ecc83 (which seems to be full sounding)


« Letzte Änderung: 18.06.2012 09:23 von soulgod »



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Re: Retube Engl Savage SE 610
« Antwort #1 am: 18.06.2012 00:49 »
hi Tom

I did not find any published schematic of this amp in the web,  so it is hard to provide assistance without any circuit details.
Maybe the Engl support can guide you undertaking some mods.



Offline Dirk

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Re: Retube Engl Savage SE 610
« Antwort #2 am: 18.06.2012 09:19 »
Für Support und Produktanfragen bitte das offizielle Kontaktformular im Shop verwenden. PMs werden nicht beantwortet.


Offline soulgod

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Re: Retube Engl Savage SE 610
« Antwort #3 am: 18.06.2012 09:22 »
Hi manfred,

it seams i made an error, it is not the 610 but a 660  :-\

and this what i found as info, thx

Technical Data
Rated power: 100 W
Power Outlet Impedances : 4, 8 or 16 ohms
Minimum Input level: - 40 dB
Maximum Input Level: - 3 dB
Effects loop: SEND - 10 dB (average), - 3 dB (max.)
RETURN + 3 dB (max.)
LINE output: + 3 dB (max.)
Levels are based on 0db => 1 V eff, measured at 1kHz.
Tubes: V1 -> ECC83/7025 F.Q. (First Quality)
V2, V3, V4, V5 -> ECC83/12AX7 selected
V6 -> ECC83/12AX7 standard
V7, V8, V9, V10 -> 5881 or 6L6 GC matched set
Fuses: AC mains: 230 Volts 100 and 120Volts
external 2,5 AM 5 AM (medium)
internal 3,15 AT 6,3 AT (slow)
Power tubes (ECS): 4 x 160 mAM



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Re: Retube Engl Savage SE 660
« Antwort #4 am: 29.06.2012 23:52 »
Hi Tom,

the schematic of the engl savage se e610 is not availabel in the Web neither.
Dirk gave you already the link for its tubemap side.
Did you get the desired sound with the recommended tube set?
I have doubt about  the tube changing only for gettting the sound.
