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More output power to Wild13

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Offline chiefcustom

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More output power to Wild13
« am: 24.02.2016 16:45 »

Warm greetings to you all at TT forum from Finland. Sorry I have to communicate in English, my German is really bad...

Before I purchase the Wild13 -kit (which is great concept, really!), I would like to ask a question about the output power. I understand that in this amp it is about 4 watts, please correct me if I'm wrong. I know 4 watts is a lot for bedroom playing, but not quite enough with my band. Heavy-handed drummer you see...

Is it possible to double the power to ~7 watts with adding another ecc99?

Best regards,


Offline sev

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Re: More output power to Wild13
« Antwort #1 am: 24.02.2016 17:20 »
Hi samuli,
theoretically, it´s possible, but you will need a different power transformer and output transformer. The tt-t30 supplied with the kit has not enough power to heat a further ecc99, a tt-t50 is needed. Plus: You will have to add a socket to the chassis.
There are two other options:
-Clone the original Orange TinyTerror the Wild13 is based on
-use the stock Wild13 wiht a more efficient speaker.
What speakers do you use now?
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Offline chiefcustom

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Re: More output power to Wild13
« Antwort #2 am: 24.02.2016 20:49 »
Thanks for your answer Stefan!
Full clone of the Tiny terror did cross my mind, I just somehow like this TT kit lot better. So clean and small build for a beginner like me.
I play threw different kind of cabs, speaker sensitivity between 97-103db. You a right sir, there are some compensation in maximum dB speakers, but I think it's just not always the most tone wise solution.

Maybe I'll just take my chances with this Wild13 one and enjoy lower output, with knobs at 11  8).
I know I wont go wrong with the tone of it.

Altogether, would it be good idea to have Wild13+ or example Lummerland+ versions of the kits? This + version would have 7 output watts (containing bigger output transformer and extra ecc99)? Hmmm.

Best regards,


Offline mceldi

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Re: More output power to Wild13
« Antwort #3 am: 24.02.2016 21:03 »
Hi Samuli!

I don't expect Dirk to release a bunch of 7 Watts amps, because that won't get you very far. Doubling the output power doesn't increase volume very much, maybe it could give you a little more headroom, and that's all.

This range of low-watt amps tries to give you the sound of the originals without melting your brain. If you need more volume, just stick to the genuine amps or at least get yourself a good clone.



Offline Knypser

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Re: More output power to Wild13
« Antwort #4 am: 24.02.2016 21:28 »
Hi John,

the next logical step would be a copy of the real Tiny Terror concept by using 2xEL84 - from my perspective.
Just combine the real schematic with the layout of Dirk in the same chassis.
Transformators for such a project are still cheap and available at TT.



Offline Laurent

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Re: More output power to Wild13
« Antwort #5 am: 24.02.2016 22:31 »
Hi Samuli,

As the others I'd also suggest you to stick to the original Tiny Terror concept with EL84 if you need a gigging amp.
If you want to do it by yourself, just follow the kit but with adapted main components (transformers...). You could also add an easy power scaling using the VoCom kit of the shop to reduce the voltages of the EL84.
If you want a finished amp, buy a second-hand one or a new one very soon. Orange will stop to produce them soon (or already did ?)

« Letzte Änderung: 24.02.2016 22:34 von Laurent »


Offline chiefcustom

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Re: More output power to Wild13
« Antwort #6 am: 26.02.2016 08:00 »

Thanks to your answers, wise and kind people here!

I might do the Tiny Terror clone with 2xel84's one day, but not with the skills I possess at the moment. And maybe some of you (or not all...) recognize the same "DIY" sickness in you that prevent you to buy anything ready-make, you just have to build it your self.

So I'll build this TT -kit first and see if I like the sound of it or them. These are so economical that you just maybe want to build them all (well done TT!).
It is nice to know you can crank up the amp without immediate hearing damage.

I'll get back with pics (maybe after six months or more ;D).

Best regards,