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Need help SLO 50 clone

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Re: Need help SLO 50 clone
« Antwort #60 am: 15.10.2016 09:19 »
- What is wrong with the impedance? Or is it fine the way it is?

I cannot see, if the OT is wired with its black wire to ground, too.

- speakerjacks are grounded to the chassis

Ok, but the OT needs to be grounded, too.

- what fx switch are we talking about? The jack switch? Is the picture clear enough?

The jack switch, yes - but as Peter said, it is pretty much corroded and may not give any proper connection - I think the same could be the case with the send jack.

- 'CT' is what is written on the notice with the output transformer (see attached)

As the layout I am used to use is different in various points I was not aware that CT wire is running that way through the chassis.

As I said - at the moment I have no idea and from my point of view I would change all the things which have been mentioned in order to track the fault.

You could change tone stacks caps as Peter mentioned some posts earlier, as they might be faulty - voltages should be stable at all points after the amp has been warmed up for around 1 or 2 minutes and not "floating" for a few volts anywhere (if the multimeter toggles between - lets say - 191 and 192 it is ok, but it should not show 172 changing to 184 changing to 177 or so ... just an example).

And the VTL have been unchecked until now, I think, which is also a possibility to give no sound (or less).

Regards, Stone


Offline Laurent

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Re: Need help SLO 50 clone
« Antwort #61 am: 15.10.2016 09:32 »

Since a couple of days I see the progress of this thread. I notice a deep involvement of the 'core team' but to be honest I get the feeling that even with that support, you are fighting with your amp.
Wouldn't it be better to check to find somebody to troubleshoot your build? You  could learn from this person.
My fear is that through your own troubleshooting, that your amp will become even more dangerous and unstable... The wiring for a SLO or any High gain amp needs to be clean. What I saw on the pictures is not really compiling to that.
Please do not understand me wrong but you enter the phase of disappointment, where finding the mistake (I think there are probably several issues actually) will bring you to put the amp aside for a whike or even to disassemble it.
Just take a moment to think about it.



Offline Guile

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Re: Need help SLO 50 clone
« Antwort #62 am: 15.10.2016 20:13 »
Hi thank you.
don't worry, I'm way beyond disappointed  >:D

I get too much suggestions and frankly all the criticism coming in sideways is not helping.
The fact of the matter is that the amp is there, I made it and it works but sounds thin and without bottom end.
I have absolutely no clue where to begin. Before I start performing a made suggestion there are three new posts that suggest other options.

If you still want to help me out, let one person respond with one topic at a time. If you don't, I will not be offended. I appreciate everybody's time and patience!

Oh yes and... THE PROBLEM OF THIS AMP IS NOT THE WAY THE WIRING IS LAID OUT. If that were the case half of all the tube amps in the world would sound like crap (especially Italian ones).


Offline Athlord

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Re: Need help SLO 50 clone
« Antwort #63 am: 15.10.2016 20:32 »

I think ist is!
You have no idea at all ...
I´m out.
Ich danke allen, die nichts zur Sache beizutragen hatten und trotzdem geschwiegen haben!


Offline _peter

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Der Imperativ von "messen" lautet: miss!


Offline Laurent

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Re: Need help SLO 50 clone
« Antwort #65 am: 15.10.2016 21:24 »

Please don't take me wrong. I just notice that as you said you don't know where to start with. That indicates me the need to have somebody with more experience at your side to help. Remote troubleshooting is always a difficult matter.

BTW my first action would be to print out the schematic and the layout and to cross check everything one by one again (values,  wiring ends, contacts...) and to mark it on paper. Then I would measure the voltages.  In such situations, you need to go very very systematic to be able to move forward. This what the others try to help you with.

Anyway, good luck and stay tough.



Offline Guile

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Re: Need help SLO 50 clone
« Antwort #66 am: 16.10.2016 19:57 »
I think ist is!
You have no idea at all ...
I´m out.

You were never in  :devil: