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Fender 6G15 - das Geheimnis des "Drip"

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Re: Fender 6G15 - das Geheimnis des "Drip"
« Antwort #15 am: 1.11.2018 19:50 »

in my other amps I use a similar circuit, but with the two systems of the 12at7 to drive the pan. This gives a more powerful reverb, closer to the 6G15. More or less the original 6G15 with the driver circuit of the AB763.


Hi Andreas,

Thanks for the added info. While your YT-clip of today showed that it can get pretty 'wet', I could understand there's 'close' and 'closer' to the 6G15 ;-)

I had a look to see whether (for an easy straightforward standalone version)
I could supply your two-tube version from one Tube-Town 12VDC to 220VDC stepup-board,
but that didn't look too promising (15mA max, and the 220VDC probably just leaves one wondering if it's enough), so while building anyway, I guess it's better to go for more tube-sections. Still a nice approach that you shared, thanks!

Have a good evening!