Hi All
Hoping that there might some English speakers here who could help me.
I bought and assembled the Kit Seriel FX-Loop LND150 and then gave it to my amp tech to install in my 1979 JMP 2203 Master Volume 100w Head.
It's not working as expected. Firstly, there is clipping when I use my TC Electronic Flashback delay through it, especially on the low notes. But the main issue is that when I put in an MXR Micro-Amp for a volume boost, there is no boost, just more gain.
I called my tech and he said that he wasn't sure that I would like it, he set the levels in the FX Loop after a lot of time spent trying to balance it between too much gain and not enough. It has been set so that when a patch cable is put in the loop, the volume of the amp is at unity.
My amp tech has offered to take another look at it for me but he is sure it is wired as per the documentation. He does not feel that this is a 'usual' design and is suggesting a Passive FX loop if this doesn't work out.