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wiring of 6,3mm Jack input sockets

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Offline kentuckytukker

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wiring of 6,3mm Jack input sockets
« am: 29.05.2020 13:30 »
Hi amp. builders,

To solder the parts on the 6,3mm input sockets for my amp. projects I always first mount these sockets on the outside of the chassis and then solder the resistors and required bridge wires. After completion I remove the whole set  and relocate them to the inside of the chassis. For me it is proven to be the most simple way the create a neath way of wiring/soldering.

gr, René
the more you drink the WC


Offline kentuckytukker

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Re: wiring of 6,3mm Jack input sockets
« Antwort #1 am: 29.05.2020 13:45 »
And here a 3D schematic diagram for extra clarification. This is the way HiWatt wires the sockets in their amps. Courtesy of MH
the more you drink the WC