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Looking for Supro Schematics ??

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Offline spongebob

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Looking for Supro Schematics ??
« am: 8.06.2022 11:54 »
I'm looking for the schematics of the Supro 1968RK and 1970RK,

does someone already see those somewhere ??

Thank you in advance.



  • Gast
Re: Looking for Supro Schematics ??
« Antwort #1 am: 8.06.2022 17:37 »

who are you?

Even if anybody would know a source ... why should he give it to you? Nobody knows you and nothing about you.
And you even are not able to introduce yourself... So, I would not give it to you, even if i had a source.



Offline spongebob

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Re: Looking for Supro Schematics ??
« Antwort #2 am: 8.06.2022 20:13 »
Sorry, I live in Belgium/France and I someone ask me to PTP those amps.

why should he give it to you?
For the technical infirmations sharing...


Offline cca88

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Re: Looking for Supro Schematics ??
« Antwort #3 am: 8.06.2022 20:41 »
Sorry, I live in Belgium/France and I someone ask me to PTP those amps.

why should he give it to you?
For the technical infirmations sharing...

not to be a smartass, but here in the forum we like to know the names of the ones we communicate with.

At least we no know your nationality and that might have some liaisons  to Bob the sponge...
"Hi - I 'm looking for X" is not the best way to start...



Offline spongebob

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Re: Looking for Supro Schematics ??
« Antwort #4 am: 10.06.2022 22:44 »
Sorry, I'm not used to forums,
my name is Henry, and I've been tinkering with amps for years now.

As I explained above, a friend of mine asked me if it was possible to make a replica of a Supro Keeley Custom, I don't know the difference between the 1968 and the 1970.

I found a lot of vintage Supro diagrams on the net, but I don't know if this model is a reissue of a vintage one or a new diagram.

Have a nice day friends.


Offline cca88

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Re: Looking for Supro Schematics ??
« Antwort #5 am: 10.06.2022 23:12 »
Have a nice welcome Henry,

i will take  a look on, what i find and give you a feedback

take care

Sorry, I'm not used to forums,
my name is Henry, and I've been tinkering with amps for years now.

As I explained above, a friend of mine asked me if it was possible to make a replica of a Supro Keeley Custom, I don't know the difference between the 1968 and the 1970.

I found a lot of vintage Supro diagrams on the net, but I don't know if this model is a reissue of a vintage one or a new diagram.

Have a nice day friends.



  • Gast
Re: Looking for Supro Schematics ??
« Antwort #6 am: 11.06.2022 07:19 »
Sorry, I'm not used to forums,
my name is Henry, and I've been tinkering with amps for years now.

As I explained above, a friend of mine asked me if it was possible to make a replica of a Supro Keeley Custom, I don't know the difference between the 1968 and the 1970.

I found a lot of vintage Supro diagrams on the net, but I don't know if this model is a reissue of a vintage one or a new diagram.

Have a nice day friends.



Offline spongebob

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Re: Looking for Supro Schematics ??
« Antwort #7 am: 11.06.2022 09:05 »
Have a nice welcome Henry,

Thank you very much !!!

ps :
A small question about the forum, is there a way to put the menus in English? I did not find the option.
The German language is complicated for me.


Offline iefes

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Re: Looking for Supro Schematics ??
« Antwort #8 am: 11.06.2022 14:32 »
Hi Henry,

to change the forum language to english go to "Forum Profil" --> "Profil Einstellungen" --> "Benutzerkonto" --> "Bevorzugte Sprache" --> English.
Then you have to insert your password at the bottom of the page and save these preferences.

Hope it helps!  :topjob:


Offline spongebob

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Re: Looking for Supro Schematics ??
« Antwort #9 am: 12.06.2022 10:17 »
Hi Henry,

to change the forum language to english go to "Forum Profil" --> "Profil Einstellungen" --> "Benutzerkonto" --> "Bevorzugte Sprache" --> English.
Then you have to insert your password at the bottom of the page and save these preferences.

Hope it helps!  :topjob:

It help a lot !!  Thank you very much !!   ;D


Offline cca88

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Re: Looking for Supro Schematics ??
« Antwort #10 am: 12.06.2022 14:12 »
Hi Henry,
for the schems - to be honest . but i can't find any of the Keeley amps.

regarding the sounds, the tube complement, the innards and the control layout, i would expect

a traditional Supro Input stage with a passive baxandall with 1 12AX7
a passive insert for the fx
a pre PI  Mastervolume after the loop
a Paraphase PI with the second 12AX7
a generic cathode biased 6V6 PP output stage

finding the right speaker may be an important part of the whole enchilada
