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"Alte deutsche Amps" und der Dynacord Reference 500

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Offline marcomeloni1979

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Re: "Alte deutsche Amps" und der Dynacord Reference 500
« Antwort #60 am: 24.01.2023 15:59 »
This makes no sense! There would be a lot of soldering an desoldering plus a new layout and you will end with a two Channel Amp. if you like the dynacord sound, i would rather buy a reference 602 - this is the analog version (two channels) of the 500/502.

Best regards

Hey Bernhard, i remember reading that someone completely bypassed the digital section and their amp is all analog now... i believe it was in either this thread or another thread about s reference500... thats why i thought id ask...


Offline HubertB

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Re: "Alte deutsche Amps" und der Dynacord Reference 500
« Antwort #61 am: 10.05.2023 17:14 »
Hi! Hast du inzwischen den HEX Code gefunden - ich müsste den noch haben, da mir auch mal ein Eprom kaputt gegangen ist.
Hi Bernhard, sorry für die späte Antwort, aber ich hatte schon fast keine Hoffnung mehr.
Ich bin immer noch auf der Suche nach dem Hex Code. Es wäre super wenn du ihn mir mailen könntest.  :topjob:
Ich schicke dir eine PN mit meiner Mailadresse.


Offline budney

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Re: "Alte deutsche Amps" und der Dynacord Reference 500
« Antwort #62 am: 1.08.2023 17:09 »
Hello there,

I recently picked up a faulty reference 500 for 100 euro!

All the LDR's light fully, no change with the pots. The drive relay still clicks, so I think that the MC14447 is working, and the MC144111 are faulty. I see activity on the CL and D pins of both IC008 and IC007. Seems unlikely that they will both die...but I shall replace and see if that helps.
I have attached a link of BIN for the EPROM



Offline HubertB

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Re: "Alte deutsche Amps" und der Dynacord Reference 500
« Antwort #63 am: 11.12.2023 20:48 »
Thank you Barney fo the Eprom Bin Code!
Unfortunately it doesn't work with the correct Eprom. There is no pulse at the Quarz, so the Microcontroler seems also damaged.
Perhaps it happens from the pre-owner who but the Eprom wrong side in. So i'll look for a new MC146805...
Best regards


Offline HubertB

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Re: "Alte deutsche Amps" und der Dynacord Reference 500
« Antwort #64 am: 2.01.2024 11:22 »
with a new Microcontroler the amps works now. Thanks the forum :topjob:


Offline drhardlove

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Re: "Alte deutsche Amps" und der Dynacord Reference 500
« Antwort #65 am: 8.01.2025 01:16 »
Hi community.
First I need to say happy new year, and thank you for all information and work shared here.
I am sorry I have to be writing in English because I don't speak or read much German. 

I bought my first Dynacord Reference 500 in Bergen, Norway, in 1986. I lost it during the 90ties, and missed it ever since.
Lately I ended up getting 2 Reference 500. Its a long story, but here I am.

Funny thing is that I have both the versions mentioned here, both the one with 2 preamp tubes, and the one with 4.

I am mostly into clean tube sound, and the one with 2 preamp tubes sound amazingly soft and creamy. But the output is very low, compared to what I expected it to be.
The distortion channel is much more powerful. The treble potensiometer only works on the distortion channel, not on the clean channel.

The one with 4 preamp tubes, is way louder, but has a terrible sharp and loud trebly sound. If I turn the treble and the prescence all the way down, it sounds quite fine.
Another problem with this unit, is that the reverb adds a distorted artifact when engaged.

It is hard to find anybody who knows what to do with these in Norway, I guess in Germany one can still get lucky.
But if I can gather information here, maybe I can get some help from qualified technicians here.

Any help will be highly appreciated. 

The one   
« Letzte Änderung: 8.01.2025 01:47 von drhardlove »