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SLO chassis

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Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #60 am: 8.08.2008 17:53 »
and some more:


Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #61 am: 14.08.2008 21:38 »
So I'm trying to figure out wich color is wich compared to the electric scheme...I've added the scheme of the transfo and attached a piece of the electric scheme for the amp. If someone feels like helping me out...don't hesitate!


Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #62 am: 15.08.2008 10:19 »
So I've figured something out...
The picture I made in the previous post was wrong. The wire color order from upper to lower should be

orange (instead of yellow2) -> to ground



that leaves me with yellow2. In the shinrock version of this tranformer, there are 8 wires used for the output and I have 9 wires.
Shinrock only has a 60VAC connection while the TAD-version has a 60VAC and a 0VAC connection (yellow1 and yellow2)
I hope this explenation makes sense? :D

now I was wondering if it was a correct assumption if I connected that 0VAC (yellow2) to the ground?


Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #63 am: 15.08.2008 10:29 »
so an other assumption:

in the shinrock version, the 60VAC is a tap comming from the SAME windings as the 360VAC. That makes it possible to use only one connection to the ground.

in the TAD version (as seen above), the 60VAC-connection has no fysical connection to the 360VAC windings. Therefore, an additional connection to the ground is necessary?

seems possible?

someone please support me in this or I'll feel stupid :D



  • Gast
Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #64 am: 15.08.2008 11:04 »

start you question with an opening like "hello" and end them with greatings. This is a good manner, and as i think not only in germany.



Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #65 am: 15.08.2008 13:24 »

start you question with an opening like "hello" and end them with greatings. This is a good manner, and as i think not only in germany.



and sorry, martin, I didn't ment to offend you or anyone else. It's an open forum (I even started this topic) and I was just brainstorming publicly and I was just enthousiasticly posting around as you might have noticed by the tree posts right after each other. I didn't even expect a hello or goodbey in an answer that anyone would've given me.

But wasn't because of a lack of good manners. I just got carried away in the brainstorm...

The question still stands though, if anyone could verify the things I was talking about in my previous post, it would be very kind.

kind regards


Offline cliff

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #66 am: 15.08.2008 18:37 »

I have to mention, that the white resitors (1K 5W) on your ocktal socktes seem to touch the socketscrews. This could set them to ground. You might fix that.

Greetz Klaus
Mich beschleicht Verwirrung, die die Grenze zur Besorgnis stürmt...



  • Gast
Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #67 am: 15.08.2008 20:43 »

so the brainstorm blasted away the good wishes  :devil:

You should make a starground, with some substars. One center of a substar of the complete power supply is at the pin of the first capacitor behind the rectifier. Here you should connect all grounds from the transformer in one point. For every Stage aof the amplifier you should also make a substar.

If you chose the tranformer of TAD, its also possible to connect the ground of the separate ground for the bias, to the substar of the powerstage. You can try both and chose the one with less noise.

At least you connect all centers of every substar in one point. This is the center of the star of the input with the highest gain. here also you should connect the chassis. There are other ways to make a ground sounding ground, but this one works always under every condition and it is easy to explain and understand. So the danger of mistakes is much smaller than other methods.

I for myself build at first (10 years ago) two humming monsters. In this time I started to make stargrounds and never had problems with ist. Later I tested other kinds of grounding, they all worked in one amplifier and in the other not. Only starground is in my experience the alway working sure method. But mostly it's also very complicated to to, many wires you have to solder and it also don't looks very fine, in big amps it's more a nest of a bird.

Have a nice evening



Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #68 am: 15.08.2008 21:03 »
hello and thank you martin for that advice, I think I know what you mean! I'll try to do that!

and mister Cliff, those resistors don't touch, I know those would grond, but i've folded te wire enough so it wouldn't hit the screws. maybe I could take some more precautions.

thx to both!


Offline Dr. Nöres

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #69 am: 17.08.2008 16:32 »
Hi Dimi,

Is the dark blue wire you have used in this picture for the connection between the imput-jack and V1 and for the connection between the "Normal"-gain-pot and V2 a shielded wire? It looks like a normal unshielded wire.;topic=7119.0;attach=9322;image


Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #70 am: 17.08.2008 19:06 »
hallo her doktor ;)

yes it's a normal wire ... judging by that comment I suppose that it should be a shielded wire?
you mean like this? (see attached picture) and the core-wire should be the connection I've made with the blue wire...and where should the shielding be connected to?

kind regards

p.s. are there any other wires that should be shielded?
« Letzte Änderung: 17.08.2008 19:08 von Grimlock »


Offline Dr. Nöres

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #71 am: 17.08.2008 20:34 »
The shielding has to be connected to the wire eyelets. Take a detailed look at the pictures of Klaus and Joachim´s SLO builds.
« Letzte Änderung: 17.08.2008 20:39 von Dr. Nöres »


Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #72 am: 17.08.2008 21:11 »
Thx mister Nöres!

Now I just have to find me some wire of that kind cause I don't have that at home...or at least not that small of a diameter...

thx again for the pointer!


Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #73 am: 17.08.2008 22:13 »
dear anyone,

I've got a little problem with the shielded wire-method.

For the input: Cliff connected the shielding on both sides of the wire to the ground (those two little black wires).
for the connection to V1 Normal Volume: on the sochet side..are shield AND core connected to the sochet?
the same question for the V2 connection...

maybe it would be more simple if anyone could just explain what the meaning of the method is, and that way I can just figure the way of connection myself?

this troubles me a bit :(

kind regards and sleepy greetings


Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #74 am: 18.08.2008 00:27 »
hello again at 0:15 ... can you tell I'm a student with summerholidays?
I've just had a converstation with my close friend (a electronica-wizard) and he told me all about the meaning of the shielding. maybe he was even TO enthousiastic to explain it all to me :D Thank you maxwell and faraday!

That leaves me with the only questions out of the previous post:
are shield AND core connected to the resistor (V2) ?
are shield AND core connected to the pin or tap at V1?
The connection comming from the input...please explain it, cause i can't see that on the electric scheme and there's shrinking-blabla put around it so I can't see how it has been done...

a good night to all and a pleasant day at work for those who have to go tomorrow. The first of september it's my turn to become a part of the economy...hopefully with a wicked soldano by my side that I can play everyday when I come home *sweet*