it's doing fine

I've played two gig's with it so far and people were amazed with the improvement of our sound since the last gig we've played. With the addition of a harley benton cab (V30 speaker) to both guitarists (the other guitarist plays a tripple X from Peavey) we made a huge step forward.
A couple of weeks ago I didn't get any sound anymore and it seemed that the entrance-plug of my effect-loop was ... de-connected. (you know, it connects trough, mechanicly, because it touches on and other, but it got folded apart so the two legs didn't touch anymore) All my entrance-plugs were from switchcraft, exept that one cause I bought it afterworts in an electronica-shop. And It seems that one especially was rubbish.
Other than that, I really like the sound. I've spend some time to find the correct sound cause in the beginning I had a lot of boost from the higher tones. That made it really unpleasand to listen at. But I turned down the tone-switch on my guitar, reduced the treble on my amp and used the presence to adjust to a more "sharp" tone. It seems that an EMG 89-element is the culprit here. But with tone-adjustment, it's all fixed.
So today I have that typicle rumbeling-hardcore sound. Not to much gain(!!) about 3/11 , 1/2 on bass, 3/4 on middle and a little less than 1/2 for treble. Tone on guitar almost reduced to zero and presence at about 3/4.
For clean -sound I used "not bright" and "crunch" with a little bit of gain (4/11). The clean and distortion really fit great together. I don't have a really got microphone to record some sounds, but I'll give it a try in the next week.
sorry for not updating...I've started working the first of september and it's been really busy since then. As a working class hero, you seem to have NO FREE TIME at all

kind regards