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SLO chassis

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Offline cliff

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #90 am: 21.08.2008 14:14 »
amp sound ist schwer in ordnung  ;)

endlich mal eine frau mit einer rockigen stimme, das gefällt mir total.
etwas mehr text würdet ihr vertragen, wenn ich das sagen darf. aber ich weiß selbst
daß texten sauschwer ist

Ja, der Ampsound passt. Allgemein ist der Sound (meiner mittlwerweile Ex-Kapelle) immer ganz nett gewesen.
Die eine Gitarre wurde im Übrigen auf einem winzigen Fender Transenamp eingespielt.
Der hat aber einen so guten Sound, das man das kaum merkt.

Gruß Klaus

Mich beschleicht Verwirrung, die die Grenze zur Besorgnis stürmt...


Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #91 am: 26.08.2008 03:09 »
hello to he or she who wants to read it:

Tuesday - 2:45 AM - Soldano SLO100 finished

next week I'll bring it to a "tube-amp wizard" that fixes, builds, adjusts, amps as a profession. He'll be installing the tubes as well as adjusting the bias. And at the same time he agreed to check for mistakes I could've made. In my last control-step, I've found 2 mistakes...and I went trough it very touroughly. So     I don't really know if there could be any more mistakes? God..damn... I'm exhausted. I hope my amp works cause it feels like I've spend my entire holiday on building it...I wouldn't know what to do if it didn't work :(

at least I have the pride to have build on ONE thing for about 4 weeks...sometimes untill 3 0'clock in the morning. THAT'S dedication!

I've added a picture of how it looks like when finished...and yes, I've made a soldano logo...and I also know that's the right thing to do. After making it, I realised that it was "NOT DONE" to put a soldano logo on something i've made myself. But I've spend 2 hours on making that logo...2 HOURS....So I'm using it.

good night to everyone. I'll let you know if it's back from the shop.


Offline Joachim

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #92 am: 26.08.2008 07:47 »
Good Morning Dimitri!

Your amp looks outstanding. An excellent piece of work! I will keep my fingers crossed for a flawless commissioning. But - as I had the privilege to observe the careful implementation - I'm confident that no serious issues will occure. However, I strongly recommend not to say "Amp finished" until it will have succesfully survived its first weeks of operation ;D. Be prepared for a couple of minor issues ;).


P.S.: .. what about some chassis pics? ;D

« Letzte Änderung: 26.08.2008 07:51 von Joachim »
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Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #93 am: 26.08.2008 10:04 »

and thank you joachim for the nice comments :) it really means something to me :)

some issues I had/have

-The chassis is rather low and that makes the big capacitors on the PSU almost reach the top/or bottom of the chassis. So I had to fix that by working with a minimal stick-out of the components and wires on the bottom of the PSB and placing rubber pieces beneath it to level is from the chassis.

-i had to isolate the impedance selector from the chassis or my incomming signal would've gone directly to the ground

-there's a resistor betweent the PSU and the bias tap...I didn't see it in anyone's pictures, but it was on the electric scheme so I implemented it.

-when I was told to use shielded wire, I only had coax to work with...but it does the trick also ...though it looks horrible. on send and return, and an other wire I bought some normal sized shielded wire :)

« Letzte Änderung: 26.08.2008 11:07 von Grimlock »


Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #94 am: 26.08.2008 10:54 »
and some more

I hope it looks me it looks fine...I'm excited about it. But the fact that I can bring it to soomeone who understands tubeamps puts me at ease. and confident that it will work. Lets hope for more than a week ;)

kind regards

p.s. visuals of the surrounding room are free :D can you tell that I used to skateboard? ^^
p.p.s and when my soldano works perfectly I'll be rocking out even harder then in the last picture :  :guitar:
« Letzte Änderung: 26.08.2008 11:09 von Grimlock »


Offline harryhirsch

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #95 am: 26.08.2008 12:34 »
Hi Dimitri,

did you use something like this in the chassis holes where you put through the leads of your transformers? I'm not sure from your picture so I just ask. They are important for safety reasons. Without them the isolation of the leads could be rubbed away on the metal edges.
Also the distance of the solder points of your PSU board to the chassis is really very low...

Otherwise really nice work ;).

But one other thing that bugs me a bit... You have a proven schematic and a layout. Why don't work more with that (as you just did) instead of comparing with pictures of others all the time? They might have done things you can't quite follow, or in another way, or that might be even just WRONG. Pictures can lie ;), especially if you're not that experienced. That is in no way targeted to you Joachim or Cliff, this is just a warning in general. Sorry if that was too harsh, but I got this impression from your previous posts.

Regards, Volker


Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #96 am: 26.08.2008 20:10 »

I didn't put the protection-things (I couldn't find them) in the holes but as you might have seen that I have placed several layers of shrinking-tubes (I don't know the name) around the wires for protection.

I know that the distance between the psu and the chassis is very low. But i've carefully removed the stickout with a very fine file to the strickt minimum. That was because I had no choise because I didn't knew that the capacitors (the big ones) were THAT big. Otherwise i would've made the chassis a bit higher.

I looked at the pictures of cliff and joachim because they're actually just a relatively good example of how i should do it in a way that I don't turn my layout into a complete mess. Also because of the fact that my psu is that close to the chassis i had to place the wires in a completely other way then cliff and joachim anyway.

don't look at it as if I just copied what they did, but I more or less used it as a "guideline" that I tried to follow but when that wasn't possible just look for an other way. I didn't just brainlessly followed what they did. If what they did, didn't make sense to me at first. I asked someone to clearify.

thx for you questions and remarks makes me feel like someone really takes interest in what I did  O0


Offline carlitz

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #97 am: 27.08.2008 21:35 »
Scary , Scary,

no rubber grommet.....

Works fine when there is no vibration from the box.

But after a while you can get fireworks.

Make sure that the cables are isolated against the chassis, where they are going through...
If you don't know how to fix it, stop breaking it!


Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #98 am: 28.08.2008 11:14 »
hello scared mister carlitz ;)

today I'm bringing it to the tube-amp-mister that is going to check it for mistakes and adjust the bias etc etc and I'll ask him if he had those "grommets" and other wise I'll just have to fabricate me something ingenious that has the same effect ;)


edit: I've just brought the amp to and I got a compleet lesson in tube-amps :D and it seems he's an official dealer of TAD-products. At a first look he said: " I sometimes get amps like these and I have to say immediately to just brake it down and start over, but this one looks very good" So I'm confident that I'll play it one day ^^
I'll keep you up to date and place some soundsamples online as soon as I get it back...wich is by the end of next week...*siked*
« Letzte Änderung: 28.08.2008 16:33 von Grimlock »


Offline carlitz

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #99 am: 29.08.2008 09:00 »
Very good.

Its only little work todo to get it right.

Congratulations for making it more safe!
If you don't know how to fix it, stop breaking it!


Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #100 am: 2.09.2008 21:09 »

I've got a phonecall this afternoon from the tube-man and he told me that the soldano is fully operational  O0 though he had to put 6 hours of work in it...*sigh* I guess I wasn't all that great as an amp-builde  :-[

but it works!

saturday I'm picking up...I'm anxious to hear it ^^

good night


Offline The Tube-Factor

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #101 am: 19.11.2008 14:07 »
Hey Dimitri!

What about your clone?  ???


Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #102 am: 26.12.2008 18:13 »
it's doing fine :D I've played two gig's with it so far and people were amazed with the improvement of our sound since the last gig we've played. With the addition of a harley benton cab (V30 speaker) to both guitarists (the other guitarist plays a tripple X from Peavey) we made a huge step forward.

A couple of weeks ago I didn't get any sound anymore and it seemed that the entrance-plug of my effect-loop was ... de-connected. (you know, it connects trough, mechanicly, because it touches on and other, but it got folded apart so the two legs didn't touch anymore) All my entrance-plugs were from switchcraft, exept that one cause I bought it afterworts in an electronica-shop. And It seems that one especially was rubbish.

Other than that, I really like the sound. I've spend some time to find the correct sound cause in the beginning I had a lot of boost from the higher tones. That made it really unpleasand to listen at. But I turned down the tone-switch on my guitar, reduced the treble on my amp and used the presence to adjust to a more "sharp" tone. It seems that an EMG 89-element is the culprit here. But with tone-adjustment, it's all fixed.

So today I have that typicle rumbeling-hardcore sound. Not to much gain(!!) about 3/11 , 1/2 on bass, 3/4 on middle and a little less than 1/2 for treble. Tone on guitar almost reduced to zero and presence at about 3/4.

For clean -sound I used "not bright" and "crunch" with a little bit of gain (4/11). The clean and distortion really fit great together. I don't have a really got microphone to record some sounds, but I'll give it a try in the next week.

sorry for not updating...I've started working the first of september and it's been really busy since then. As a working class hero, you seem to have NO FREE TIME at all :D

kind regards
« Letzte Änderung: 26.12.2008 18:19 von Grimlock »


Offline Grimlock

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Re:SLO chassis
« Antwort #103 am: 17.12.2009 16:13 »
another question.

In the SLO-plan...when you reduce or remove C9 it says you have more "bite" to the signal...what does "more bite" mean?

kind regards


Offline Joachim

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Re:SLO chassis
« Antwort #104 am: 18.12.2009 00:08 »
what does "more bite" mean?

more treble, not that soft as it is with C9 ... just try it.
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