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SLO chassis

  • 132 Antworten
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Offline Joachim

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #75 am: 18.08.2008 08:15 »
Hi Dimitri,

are shield AND core connected to the resistor (V2) ?
are shield AND core connected to the pin or tap at V1?

Both of your questions can be answered with "yes, if your intention is to short the signal to ground"

To be honest, I'm really scared, as I get more and more the picture that you are trying to build an entire 100W amp just from a couple of photos without any basic knowledge in electronics. You may have noticed the disclaimers on my schematics and I like to point out again, that building an amp from scratch without any experience is a life threatening issue. I'm quite sure you will agree, that this is not a good idea, at all. My strong recommendation to you is to continue this project with an electronic expert who is experienced in working with high voltage cuircuits.

I hope you will understand that my intention is not to bother you, but I feel that we reached a point where it is better to put the cards on the table.

Take care,
« Letzte Änderung: 18.08.2008 09:14 von Joachim »
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Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #76 am: 18.08.2008 12:02 »

I'm not just following pictures Joachim, I know as well as you do that that would be crazy. I use the pictures only for lay-out purposes. (for example to make sure the ground lay-out is done in a correct manner) It's been three weeks since I'm actively working on this. Not because I'm THAT horrible at it, but because I'm checking an double checking every connection that I make. I'm working on it everyday, and when I'm not working on it and traveling to my girlfriend or band-rehearsal by train, I'm studying the schematics and thinking about how I should do certain things. Not to mention that I've learned a lot in the progress.

And I understand your concern and I also appreciate that...not to mention the truckload of advice you HAVE given me in the past few weeks. And not only you, but everyone else here. So I don't take your advice lightly...

it's been a long way: I've ordered my component in april or march, finished the PCB, ordered an aluminum plate and got it folded for the chassis, bought spray paint, painted the chassis, designed a sticker and got it made for the interface, drilled all the holes for the potentionmeters, input, etc etc...

next, I waited for the summer to have the time to work on this every single day...I even stay home when my friends are out because I enjoy working on it. last saturday I was working untill 2 in the morning on some housing-detail work...

last week I bought the wood for the housing, made a square box and started sanding the edge till they were perfectly round wich (if I may say) worked out allmost perfect. I bought 2 grils for the front and the back, folded the edges myself and spraypainted them...and last thursday I brought the wooden housing to a man who's experienced in making covers for funiture and he would cover the housing in a leather-look kind of fabric. I could've used tolex but this is going to be just a well.

you see...I'm putting my heart a soul into this. I enjoy creating. And I'll put my cards on the table and tell you that I don't know enough about electronics...I never even said that I was experienced. But I HAVE to finish this. and I have to learn how to do that!

I graduated as an electromechanical engineer a year ago and a welding engineer this year. So in fact...I had a a course in electronics, eventhough not nearly enough...BUT (!!) I'm not overconfidenced ... I stay realistic and cautious ever step of the way. If I see a picture and I can't find it in the electric scheme...I ask more info about it. 

A professor once told me: " you're diploma doesn't prove that you're an engineer...but it proves that you have to ability to learn a lot" And since he was a brilliant Electric engineer who worked with high voltage applications and thought us about engines and HV-transformers I learned us a lot...I like to believe him.

about the shielded wire issue...It was a simpel question to wich I have an answer now...a simpel "NO". And that's enough for me. it didn't make sense to me either to do that after mister Nöres pointed out my mistake that was in fact pretty stupid...but I couldn't see what was happening because of the black-shrink-blabla ( I don't know the name in english) that's why I asked an explenation. And IN FACT because I don't have electronical experience...I don't rely on my own thinking without anyone backing my ideas up...that's why I ask questions instead of just doing what I think is right

I understand if some of you think I'm playing around...but I'm not :( I take this seriously. Would I have been working on this step by step since april of march if it was a game??!! and if some of you don't want to answer my questions in a way to "protect" me, I will understand. I would do the same thing I guess...I've gotten this far with the help of many people here. So thank you for that...I also think I can bring this to a good ending when I can find answers to my questions here...

but I will find the answers and I will finish it. Without any help'll just take double or tripple the time

but I will finish it
and i will play it someday

Joachim, I'm a modest man and I will not let your advice "Go over me like rain over a duck" but I believe that anyone can do almost anything as long as they are not too proud to ask for help from people who know more then them.

my profound kind regards


Offline Joachim

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #77 am: 19.08.2008 08:29 »
Good morning Dimitri,

thank your for this in-depth answer. But after reading it, I felt that you did not really understand my intention. Your answer sounds even a little bit defiant to my "ears", but there is definitively no reason for that.

It was a simpel question to wich I have an answer now...a simpel "NO". And that's enough for me.

Well, I did not say: "don't ask me any questions!". You know I'm happy to answer all your questions and I did that continuously over the last month and I will continue in doing that. But if someone who is building an amplifier asks me if he should connect signal to ground, I think it is advisable to point out some missing basics. Maybe you are satisfied with a simple "NO", but did you understand why? Frankly, that's not my understanding of "engineering".

Finally I like to repeat my advise to proceed the forthcoming live tests with an electronic expert at your side who is experienced in dealing with high voltage circuits.

Again, I like to assure that I will be happy to answer all your questions. But please consider my advises seriously. Every mistake can be your last when working with high voltages.

Best regards,
« Letzte Änderung: 19.08.2008 08:32 von Joachim »
Live long and prosper.


Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #78 am: 19.08.2008 10:18 »

maybe my " simpel question-simpel aswer"-statement came out a little strong. my apologies for that. a simple "no" would't have been enough ... I woud've wanted a "why?" also cause I need to understand what I'm doing. The problem in the matter was that I had a "theorie" in my head that the shielding should be a closed loop or circuit...but after thinking about it a little more, I knew that was completely irrelevant. I know what the shielding does...and when I realised what the shielding does, it came clear to me that there is no need to connect both ends of the shielding to the ground. Or is it?

I'm not going to plug it in unless om 200% sure that I didn't make any mistakes...

but if it is any relieve: I've got a friend who is an electronics-engineer and I've discussed this issue with hem and agreed that after I've finished my work he's going to come over and go over everything with me to make sure I didn't make any mistakes.

I'll keep on asking question in the meanwhile, though I think they will be limited since I'm almost at the part where the only thing left to do is connect the pcb's...

but thank you for you concern,
kind regards


Offline Dr. Nöres

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #79 am: 19.08.2008 12:06 »
...but after thinking about it a little more, I knew that was completely irrelevant. I know what the shielding does...and when I realised what the shielding does, it came clear to me that there is no need to connect both ends of the shielding to the ground. Or is it?

Hi Dimitri,
the shielding should be connected to ground always (!) just at one end, to prevent groundloops within your circuit. Usually you connect this side of the shield to ground, from which the signal comes.
regards, Sören


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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #80 am: 19.08.2008 22:34 »
Hello mister Nöres/Sören

I know..cause it "recieves" the Electromagnetic fields produced by the other loops/circuits and thus the core wire remains free of any intermitting fields right? and if not connected to the has no path to conduct the induced electric current to?
« Letzte Änderung: 19.08.2008 22:37 von Grimlock »


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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #81 am: 20.08.2008 23:24 »
hello and a good evening to all

I've got me an other question again...On my pcb there is hole to connect to " FB Loop (4ohm)" is this for dept control bypassing? or what is it for?

good night


Offline Joachim

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #82 am: 20.08.2008 23:45 »
Uuuuumh ... aaaaahm ???

Okay, I remember the "FB loop" connector is only used when you don't use the depth option. In this case a lead from the 4 Ohms tap of the OT is connected to "FB loop" (C23 can be left out in this case).

If you are using the depth mod, the 4 Ohms lead will be connected to one end of the the depth pot and the wiper contact leads to the "Depth" connector on the pcb. "FB loop" is not connected in this case. And please don't forget C24 (4,7nF) over the depth pot.

Hope, that's it ... :angel:

Good Night,
Live long and prosper.


Offline Grimlock

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #83 am: 21.08.2008 01:29 »
Hellow and good morning

it's 1:27h - and still busy putting wiring the PCB - and thank you joachim. I figured it was a way to bypass the dept mod. I just needed to be sure!

now it's really time to sleep

Good Night


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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #84 am: 21.08.2008 10:28 »

about time I'm starting to orde my tubes. I'm looking for a sound that is similar to that of a peavy 5150 (that's why I started building the soldano for starters ;) ) and it seems that this 5150 (or 6505) had 12AX7 types for pre-amp and 6L6 for power amp tubes. I was advised sovtec, but even there I have a range of possibilities.

I'm looking for a sound with a lot of punch to it, but without turning it into a blur when I turn some gain on. Also I would like to have a bit of sustain with minimal gain. I've played a JMC 900 (or 800?) once and if you want some sustain, you need to much gain...wich is ok if you like that encredible sharp horrible marshall sound...but I'm not really looking for that.

I don't know weither tubes have an effect on this, but maybe someone here could give me some advice on that? and on wich types of 6L6 and 12AX7 are most suitable here?

thank you very much


Offline cliff

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #85 am: 21.08.2008 10:59 »

I use 5881 Tubes for V6-V10.

for the preamp I use these ones:

V1: 5751 GE Jan NOS: less Gain but sounds very good
V2: Mesa 7025: It is hard to find a tube that works in this place. I guess you hat to try some
V3-V5: TT 12AX7 (V5 is balanced).

This selection gives an very good crunch an the od fits better to the clean/crunch channel.

Here some Soundsamples ( The solo on "Burn it down" is the Slo Clone).

Greetz Klaus
Mich beschleicht Verwirrung, die die Grenze zur Besorgnis stürmt...


Offline loco

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #86 am: 21.08.2008 11:02 »
Hallo  :gutenmorgen:
Gefällt mir, wer spielt denn die  :guitar:  ?


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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #87 am: 21.08.2008 12:00 »
Hallo  :gutenmorgen:
Gefällt mir, wer spielt denn die  :guitar:  ?

Hallo Loco!

Schön das es Dir gefällt.

Das Solo beim ersten Song spielt unser Leadgitarrero und beim zweiten mache ich das.

Gruß Klaus

Mich beschleicht Verwirrung, die die Grenze zur Besorgnis stürmt...


Offline Joachim

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #88 am: 21.08.2008 12:45 »
Das Solo beim ersten Song spielt unser Leadgitarrero und beim zweiten mache ich das.

Cool ;D. Gefällt mir auch!

Gruß, Joachim
Live long and prosper.


Offline Martino

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Re: SLO chassis
« Antwort #89 am: 21.08.2008 13:55 »
Here some Soundsamples ( The solo on "Burn it down" is the Slo Clone).

amp sound ist schwer in ordnung  ;)

endlich mal eine frau mit einer rockigen stimme, das gefällt mir total.
etwas mehr text würdet ihr vertragen, wenn ich das sagen darf. aber ich weiß selbst
daß texten sauschwer ist
« Letzte Änderung: 21.08.2008 13:58 von BluesFuzzi »