Hallo Dirk,
wurde die Produktion der NSC Fender-Style Trafos (Taiwan) eingestellt? 
NSC still produces; you can check their web site.
But, other than cost, I don't see why anyone would choose an NSC over a Hammond - I've used both, and the Hammonds, for a little more money, are a huge quality jump. I'm guessing the TT-branded transformers replace the NSC - a little less money than the Hammonds, but a quality jump over the NSCs.
I used NSC power transformers (the Taiwan 50-watt that used to be in the shop) in several amps; I eventually tore all of them out and replaced with Hammonds. The NSCs were physically smaller than the corresponding Hammond and ran considerably hotter. I still have some OTs in use. I haven't used any TTs (since I stopped building) but I'm getting the itch to build a Vibrosonic for pedal steel, and if I do, I'll use the TT Twin transformers for that.
I may have one or two 50-watt powers laying around; I definitely have a couple of Vibrolux OTs. I've used the OTs (4ohm 6l6) for 2-6v6 amps into 8 ohms, and they work well for that, especially for harmonica. If you are interested in one of the PTs (and if I really have a couple in the basement) let me know and we'll work something out. Dirk - delete whatever you want.