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Technik => Tech-Talk Fender => Thema gestartet von: sjhusting am 16.01.2014 10:13

Titel: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: sjhusting am 16.01.2014 10:13
Sorry folks, in the end, there is nothing which sounds better than a good Tele straight through a good Twin, turned up a bit.

This is a fact.

Anybody who disagrees with me is merely stating an ill-informed opinion.



Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: bluesfreak am 16.01.2014 11:31
Which one? Low Power Tweed, high Power Tweed, blackface, silverface, UL, Red Knob, Evil Twin?  ::)
Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: Athlord am 16.01.2014 12:32
don't drink and write....  :devil:
Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: kugelblitz am 16.01.2014 12:35
don't drink and write....  :devil:


Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: soderstrom am 16.01.2014 12:56
Tele+Fender Amp=maximum Sound  :topjob:

Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: sjhusting am 16.01.2014 12:59
don't drink and write....  :devil:

Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: Duesentrieb am 16.01.2014 14:39
Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: sev am 16.01.2014 14:44
Surely Twin+Tele sounds great, but unfortunately it simply can´t be heard placed in one room with LesPaul/Plexi  :devil:
Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: sjhusting am 16.01.2014 14:51
but unfortunately it simply can´t be heard placed in one room with LesPaul/Plexi  :devil:

See what I mean? Ill-informed opinion.

You guys forget something fundamental - everyone in the world is stupid except me.
Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: Athlord am 16.01.2014 17:23
You guys forget something fundamental - everyone in the world is stupid except me.

Don´t smoke weed and write....  :devil:
Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: Dirk am 16.01.2014 17:31
You guys forget something fundamental - everyone in the world is stupid except me.

Steven, müssen wir uns Sorgen machen ? Oder hast Du wieder mit Pattex geklebt ?

Gruß, Dirk
Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: haebbe58 am 16.01.2014 17:53
Which one? Low Power Tweed, high Power Tweed, blackface, silverface, UL, Red Knob, Evil Twin?  ::)

Blackface Twin Reverb (oder Dual Showman) & Tele!

... da kommt nichts anderes ran!



Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: Robinrockt am 16.01.2014 17:55
nothing which sounds better than a good Tele straight through a good Twin, turned up a bit.

Yeah, I always loved putting high output humbuckers in a good Tele, makes it scream :devil: O0 8)

Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: cca88 am 16.01.2014 20:57
Sorry folks, in the end, there is nothing which sounds better than a good Tele straight through a good Twin, turned up a bit.

This is a fact.

Anybody who disagrees with me is merely stating an ill-informed opinion.



What about a good Strat into a good Tweed Deluxe?

 ;D ;D ;D


Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: sjhusting am 16.01.2014 21:29
What about a good Strat into a good Tweed Deluxe?

 ;D ;D ;D



Not bad, but second class.

I have to admit it took me 34 years to get my Tele where I wanted it. Countless pickups. And in the end I had to go with a custom-wound set.

The Twin was easier, it only took me two years to tune it.
Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: cca88 am 16.01.2014 21:48
Not bad, but second class.

I have to admit it took me 34 years to get my Tele where I wanted it. Countless pickups. And in the end I had to go with a custom-wound set.

The Twin was easier, it only took me two years to tune it.

OK - with my strat it was much easier.

The 5E3 and my Axe liked each other  - and me  - in a flick of a moment.

Enyoing this particular combo for almost 10 years now...

Still working on the tele....

She likes the 5E3 - but - still has some issues with ME.... ::)


Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: sjhusting am 16.01.2014 22:05
My Tele is a'76 - the absolute worst year for Fender - and it weighs a ton and is prone to extreme ice pick. I spoke with John at Dawgtown Custom Shop about the problems with these guitars (the local farmers were complaining because every time I would play, more of their carrle wiuld be rendered impotent). John knew  just what was needed and wound me a set that gets exactly the tone I've been looking for all these years.

I have a Strat with CS54 pickups and that one is just fine.

The Tele through the Hoffman-style Twin and Jet Blackbird sounds huge.
Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: cca88 am 17.01.2014 07:54
My Tele is a'76 - the absolute worst year for Fender - and it weighs a ton and is prone to extreme ice pick. I spoke with John at Dawgtown Custom Shop about the problems with these guitars (the local farmers were complaining because every time I would play, more of their carrle wiuld be rendered impotent). John knew  just what was needed and wound me a set that gets exactly the tone I've been looking for all these years.

I have a Strat with CS54 pickups and that one is just fine.

The Tele through the Hoffman-style Twin and Jet Blackbird sounds huge.

versteh mich nicht falsch... Sie klingt super... Ist ne relativ neue Thinline. Mahagony, light as a feather... Ich glaub das ganze Brett hat 2,8kg.... LeoSounds drin.
Ich bin blos vom Handling der Strat so verwöhnt/versaut, daß ich mich an die Tele richtig gewöhnen muß !!!


Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: Lebkuchen am 17.01.2014 10:34
Hi Steven,
I have a Strat with CS54 pickups and that one is just fine.
… me, too. :)

Two others are loaded with SCNs from Fender but sadly out off production – no hum and a bit more output on both positions.
I bought two more SCN Strat Sets and put it in one of my two Teles – bingo! :o ;)

I also use a 2n2 cap for the tone control. Full open ––> Fender Twang, completely turned down I get the sound of a humbucker but much tighter. (Shifts the resonance peek from about 4kHz to roughly 2kHz of a HB). ;D

This combination sounds bad ass and does everything from blues to high gain shred, no need for anything else. :guitar:

Cheers, Gunter
Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: sjhusting am 17.01.2014 10:49
My Strat is a '96 Japanese Hank Marvin. I bought it used for a very good price. It has wonderful wood (light 2-piece ash body) and (had) crap electronics. Pickups, pots, jack, switch, bridge were changed within 2 weeks, and rewired with master tone/vol (like a Tele, God's personal guitar choice) and a switch for neck/bridge. Why this combination isn't standard I don't know, but without it a strat is completely useless.

The guitar is basically a late 50s vintage reissue. The neck is the most comfortable I have played on any guitar; a pronounced 'V' that is just wonderful.

But I always come back to the Tele.
Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: Lupinello am 18.01.2014 23:22
Servus Steven,

I thought you have changed to an accustic guitar people call "Martin".

Your thread seemes me, you got back to your roots.

First of all: tele is a good thing and twin is hot question!

I wonder you like the middle-position neck/bridge in a strat.
Is this like Tele?...and that with noise  ???  !

I can tell you, that a hot rod deluxe can be also a good choice, if you make a cab-job in the power supply unit (my friend made it for me).
Formerly there where cabs as wide as a finger now there a cabs nearly as wide as a fist inside.
Now the bass is tightened and I get a balanced sound.
Also a friend spended a master-volume for the clean chanel so I can rise the clean volume and reduce at the output stage.
The reverb ist enhanced.
For speaker I experience with Weber bluedog cer. 50W, Bulldog al. 15W, Tayden HighBrit cer. 50W and Celestion greenback cer. 25W in different combinations.
Sometimes I like this and sometimes I like that.
I have a lot of fun with that stuff!

I have three Teles but my mostly liked guitar is a mexican strat with a 4th reversed singlecoil positioned and wired to a humbucker with the bridge-pickup...I love it...with Callaham steel tremolo, small steel saddles, which do not toutch each other.
In the humbucker-mode it is very important to keep the trad. way of wireing with two tone-pots.
So you have in the 5th station only the vol. with 250k and no tone-pot.
It`s  in relation to the resistance like a humbucker with a 500k vol- and a 500k tone-pot (the last full open).
I think that`s great!   

For my Cheri-Tele with EMG alnico pickups I will now engage the PA2 boost-switch.
In my preferred high-gain-style I will surely get more fun.

For another tele I have a 90th tele-set from Van Zandt and I got it for sale (99,-DM...I could not resist ;)).
I think, it is smooth enough to challenge with the most custom-made pickups.

For my Rockinger 5kg-nonswamp-ash-tele ;D I got a Schecter metal-pickguard wired with push-pull-bigmag-pickups.
After removing the metal-plates from the pickups and potting them with wax they make a lot of fun.
Before I did, I had more whistle and appropriate response than a whistleblower :).

Have a good tele- and strattime with your modified twin.
Your combinations must be really great...I really belief!
A twin is normally a great amp...modified maybe much better.
A tele is normally a great guitar...modified .... :)
Whish you much fun with your combi!


My question concerning to the white ceramic emg`s is still not answered. ((I got it also for sale (new: 90DM) I could make you a very acceptable  price!)).
What tele was it (wood of body and neck, bridge)?
If selled, is the customer satisfied and what is his comment?
Don`t shy to give me an answer, old friend!
I am allways thinking about things I have saled...make me free from my scruples or send me in damnation...I can stand it  ;D!!!


Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: sjhusting am 19.01.2014 08:57
Hi Woifi -

The EMGs went into the 'Bananacaster,' i'll try to find a photo. A very yellow guitar. After two years the owner swapped them out for vintage. He also just bought the P90 tele that people here liked.

True I have played almost entirely acoustically the last two years. I have a litle acoustic trio with an amazing singer that is starting to take off a bit. But I was invited to audition for a country band next week so I got my stuff out to check it all out. I'm also just about ready to buy a pedal steel and want to use the Twin for that (with a 15") so that prompted me to finally finish all the loose ends on that amp. I tried a couple of Merlin things - LED  on the oscillator, Baxandall in the normal channel - and am pretty haooy with it. Now I just need the 115 cab for it.

Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: stephan61 am 19.01.2014 11:26
like a Tele, God's personal guitar choice


in Sachen Tele bin ich ganz bei dir.
Aber Tele geht nur mit Messingböckchen, den Doppelböckchen natürlich.
Wenns wirklich sein muss, dürfens auch die kompensierten sein.

Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: sjhusting am 19.01.2014 12:18

in Sachen Tele bin ich ganz bei dir.
Aber Tele geht nur mit Messingböckchen, den Doppelböckchen natürlich.
Wenns wirklich sein muss, dürfens auch die kompensierten sein.


Stephan -

Habe vor viele Jahren die 3 Stahl-boeckchen fuer (compensierte) Messing ausgetauscht. Ich ueberlege aber ob ich die Stahl wieder auf die 2 tiefe monrieren soll
Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: stephan61 am 20.01.2014 16:33
Stephan -

Habe vor viele Jahren die 3 Stahl-boeckchen fuer (compensierte) Messing ausgetauscht. Ich ueberlege aber ob ich die Stahl wieder auf die 2 tiefe monrieren soll

Die Frage ist interessant wie die Mischung klingt (die 2 tiefen mit Stahl, Rest mit Messing, oder?).
Was ist deine Intention, gerade diese beiden auf Stahl umzurüsten?

Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: Athlord am 20.01.2014 16:41
Die Frage ist interessant wie die Mischung klingt (die 2 tiefen mit Stahl, Rest mit Messing, oder?).
Was ist deine Intention, gerade diese beiden auf Stahl umzurüsten?


Ich bin nicht Steve,  ;D
antworte trotzdem mal:
Messing wird nachgesagt, die Höhen zu betonen - im Umkehrschluss könnte das bedeuten, das die Tiefen dann etwas weniger ausgeprägt sind.
Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: Fwänk am 20.01.2014 17:25
Hi @ all,
ich bin auch nicht Steve, sondern Fwänk.

Die Stahlreiter sollten mehr knallen. Ich habe auf meiner Glendale Alu E A, Messing D G H e. Messing sollte den Sound etwas dicker machen. Deswegen auch das andere Material auf E und A.

Und Twäng ist wichtig für die Tele, Swamp Ash One Piece, Glendale Bridge, Lollar Vintage Set, 60 years old Maple for the neck. Sometimes people think I use a compressor pedal. But I don´t use it.

Take care, Fwänk
Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: sjhusting am 20.01.2014 19:29
Woifi -

the banancaster

Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: Lupinello am 20.01.2014 22:40
Many thanks Steve,

I have tried out the white ones and I sold them.
So I don`t wonder the customer took them out.

But the banana is very nice!

What`s the difference between a magnetic or non magnetic bridge in sound?

Much fun with your new playing-styles!



PS: Habe Einzelmessingböckchen für meine Cheri bestellt. Da gehen nur sei denn ich fange an zusätzliche Löcher für eine neue Brücke mit anderen Saitendurchführungen zu bohren. Das erspare ich mir.
Messing ist aber wohl doch schon das angesagte Material, um die eher spitz klingende Tele etwas zu zähmen.
Für die tiefen Saiten klingts dann manchen zu zahm.
Der hier schwört scheinbar einer auf Stahl:
http:// www.
Hab übrigens auf einer Tele (Thinline/alder) GraphTech Tusq Einzelreiter (3 links,3 rechts) drauf, weil ich nix anderes anderes gefunden hab. Das klingt recht akustisch mit einer gewissen Spitze.
Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: sjhusting am 21.01.2014 09:49
Hi Fwänk -

ich habe die Alu Glendales nie gesehen - das ist auch ein interessante variant.

Hat sonst jemand wiederkehrende Probleme mit die Fender 4-way Schaltern (MIM?) Ich muss jetzt die 3te einbauen. Wenn ich die Schalter mit mein 38-Jahre-Alt CRL 3-way vergleiche, gibt es ein mMn deutlich Qualitaetsunterschied.

Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: haebbe58 am 21.01.2014 11:43

Hat sonst jemand wiederkehrende Probleme mit die Fender 4-way Schaltern (MIM?) Ich muss jetzt die 3te einbauen. Wenn ich die Schalter mit mein 38-Jahre-Alt CRL 3-way vergleiche, gibt es ein mMn deutlich Qualitaetsunterschied.


Hi Steven,

Ich habe den Tele 4 way switch nun seit über 10 Jahren in meiner Japan Tele ... und hatte noch nie Probleme (im Gegensatz zu Strat-Schaltern aller Art, die habe ich bestimmt schon bei jeder Gitarre mindestens 2x ausgewechselt). Allerdings wird die Gitarre auch nicht sehr oft gespielt, das kann natürklich auch ein Grund dafür sein, dass er immer noch funktioniert ...

Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: Lupinello am 22.01.2014 22:34
Servus Steven,

my question relying to the difference in sound of a magnetic or non-magnetic tele-bridge you have not answered so far.

Is there any difference?

What kind of bridge is traditional?

Many thanks

Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: Martino am 14.02.2014 16:28
stimmt. tele klingt geil im twin.
aber - auch wenn ich dafür einen flamestorm ernte; ich hatte für meine tele als upgrade eine wilkinson bridge mit 3 compensated saddles (messing) gekauft. ich musste das ganz schnell wieder zurückbauen.  :-[ auch wenn ich die optik der 6 stahl böckchen nicht mag, ist die tele damit doch wesentlich ausgewogener für meine ohren. meine ist eine mexi-fender mit ahorn hals, texas-hot brücke und einem strat pickup in der halsposition.
Titel: Re: Undeniable fact
Beitrag von: sjhusting am 14.02.2014 16:31
Es kommt den individuwlkw Gitar an. Ich habe ein baxandall-mit middshift ala Merlin eingebaut und meine schwerwiestein messingsattel tele liebt es. Die LP hat aber lieber die FMV stack.