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Technik => Tech-Talk TT-Projekte => Thema gestartet von: krave am 19.04.2015 18:03

Titel: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: krave am 19.04.2015 18:03
I can't understand german but I hope in a help anyway.
I'm building a standalone reverb with the lndverb kit and I have this kind of problems: the dwell pot acts like a volume and goes from "silence" to "satured high volume", the mix pot doesn't mix at all, it only gives a little space but the sound that comes out it's alway only with full reverb. Even when the the dwell pot is to 0 (and no sound comes from the guitar) if I pat the tank I have the tank "sound".
In short it seems that there is no clean sound from the instrument but only wet and the pots they do not behave as they should.
Thank you

Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: sev am 19.04.2015 18:39
Hi Andrea,
try pasting some photos, maybe there is a visible fault.
Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: krave am 19.04.2015 19:09
Hi Sev
the blue switch on the right is a 3pdt I want to use for a true bypass (the led, in the middle poles, isn't in place yet).
the yellow wires are all to ground.
there is a little bit of confusion now because I'm solding and de-solding everything...
Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: Athlord am 19.04.2015 19:24
i think the VPUMP does not bring enough current for this application!
Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: krave am 19.04.2015 19:37
this would be strange because istructions recommanded to use the Vpump
Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: Holzdruide am 19.04.2015 19:44

Dirk sagt Vpump genügt.,19988.0.html

Gruß Franz
Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: Dirk am 19.04.2015 20:11

The VPump works fine for this kit.
Please remove the bypass switch and build the standalone unit as documented. You can add further options when the unit works but first you should build the "good" version.
Also check the voltages to make sure that you have not killed the VPump.
Check the wiring of the potentiometers, the values of the potentiometers and the orientation.

Best regards, Dirk

Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: krave am 19.04.2015 22:19
I tried with the plain project, without true bypass, without footswitch... but it's just the same: the dwell pot works as a volume (from no sound to crunch) and the mix give a bit more of space but no chance to have dry sound.
the pots value it's ok, the voltage it's 200vdc, the wiring it's ok but nothing changes.
I don't know what to try now...
Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: Dirk am 19.04.2015 22:34
sounds like that the dry-path is dead. What values did you take for R13 and R52 ?

Best regards, Dirk
Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: krave am 19.04.2015 23:12
470k for R52 and 1,5M for R13.
yes, there is no dry path and there is a strange behavior with the pot, because without drypath if I put the mix to 0 I should have no sound,    
conversely it gives me more depth of reverb. And the dwell acts like a volume...
Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: Dirk am 20.04.2015 08:27

I do not know what you made wrong, maybe the bypass has killed a component or the soldering is not OK or what ever.
You can trace the dry-path starting from connection IN B to R13 and from R13 to MIX IN2. If you do not have a connection than you can remove the R13 and solder a wire from IN B to MIX IN2 with an 1M5 resistor in between.
That's all I can say.

Best regards, Dirk
Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: krave am 20.04.2015 16:14
Dirk, you mean IN A for the standalone or am I wrong with my corrent input?
Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: Dirk am 20.04.2015 16:48
No, you Input is OK !!! Don't touch it.

For the connection: IN B to R13 and from R13 to MIX IN2

Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: krave am 20.04.2015 18:24
I have path from IN B to R13 and from R13 to MIX IN2. have I got to try with the direct (IN B to MIX IN2 with 1M5) anyhow?
thank you

Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: Dirk am 20.04.2015 20:38
I have path from IN B to R13 and from R13 to MIX IN2. have I got to try with the direct (IN B to MIX IN2 with 1M5) anyhow?
thank you

and the Resistor is OK ?

Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: krave am 20.04.2015 20:51
I tested it and gives me 1M5
Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: Dirk am 20.04.2015 20:58
in fact, I have no more ideas at the moment. You are the first one having problems with the LNDVerb (and there are already many of these kits in the wild). I really would like to know what the problem is. Can you send you build to us so we can check it by ourself ?

By the way did you check the potentiometer itself too ? Is it working ? Is the resistance correct ?

Best regards, Dirk
Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: krave am 20.04.2015 21:11
I thank you for your interest, in these days I will try again everything because I don'twant to send you something with a gross mistake.

Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: Dirk am 20.04.2015 21:18
OK, please keep me posted.

Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: krave am 20.04.2015 22:40
the pots are working good and their value too it's right.
Is there a way to test the OT?

thank you
Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: Athlord am 21.04.2015 07:10
The OT is´nt a Problem.
Mesure the DC Resistance between:
Red / Blue  =   eg. 1000 Ohm
Black / Green =  eg.  1 Ohm

Please mesure the Voltages at the tree LND 150 and post here....

Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: krave am 21.04.2015 23:48
this is what I read, with the bare pcb, connected only with the vpump, no OT, no pots, no in and output...

          S        D
1st   0,3      77

2nd   0         0

3rd   0,3      78
Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: Athlord am 22.04.2015 06:18
to power the circuit without OT and pots is not good!
Please mesure the voltages again with OT and the pots 50% open.
If the 2nd LND without voltages again, replace the LND or send the Circuit to Tube-Town.
Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: krave am 22.04.2015 19:58
Thank you Jurgen
I will try

Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: krave am 24.04.2015 16:28
 ok this is what I found on the three LND with everything in place

          S        D
1st   0,3      65

2nd  0,3      168

3rd   0,3      55
Titel: Re: an help for the Lndverb standalone
Beitrag von: Athlord am 24.04.2015 18:46
Hi Andrea,
now the 2nd LND look like ok.
I have no more idea what happend.
It´s time to take the offer from Dirk - send the Lndverb back to the shop.