Tube-Town Forum

Sozialstation => Galerie => Thema gestartet von: uncletapp am 19.01.2016 13:36

Titel: TappAmps Marzian 4channels Midi
Beitrag von: uncletapp am 19.01.2016 13:36

My latest build with my Marzian circuit.

Titel: Re: TappAmps Marzian 4channels Midi
Beitrag von: corne am 19.01.2016 13:41
WOW :danke:
Titel: Re: TappAmps Marzian 4channels Midi
Beitrag von: Athlord am 19.01.2016 13:46
I think, much more switches necessary...    ;D ;D

Titel: Re: TappAmps Marzian 4channels Midi
Beitrag von: kugelblitz am 19.01.2016 14:00
Nice, I call for motorized potentiometers :)
As always clean build to be honest.

Titel: Re: TappAmps Marzian 4channels Midi
Beitrag von: Germy am 19.01.2016 17:24
 :topjob: :topjob: :topjob:

Clean job!

Looks great!

Did you have some sound file?

Greetings Germy
Titel: Re: TappAmps Marzian 4channels Midi
Beitrag von: Del Pedro am 19.01.2016 17:36
Very impressive. However, some more information would be appreciated.
Titel: Re: TappAmps Marzian 4channels Midi
Beitrag von: user am 20.01.2016 00:47
still able to figure out the capacities :P anyway.. very nice :topjob:
Titel: Re: TappAmps Marzian 4channels Midi
Beitrag von: Laurent am 20.01.2016 00:58
As usual, clean build!  :topjob:

Titel: Re: TappAmps Marzian 4channels Midi
Beitrag von: uncletapp am 20.01.2016 08:27
WOW :danke:

Nice, I call for motorized potentiometers :)
As always clean build to be honest.


:topjob: :topjob: :topjob:

Clean job!

Looks great!

Did you have some sound file?

Greetings Germy

Very impressive. However, some more information would be appreciated.

still able to figure out the capacities :P anyway.. very nice :topjob:

As usual, clean build!  :topjob:


Thanks everyone....glad you like it :)

I can post sound clips later.

Regardning details.

Ch1 - Dumble style clean with gain boost and volume boost
Ch2 - Plexi style with gain boost and volume boost
Ch3/4 - Hotrod plexi with selectable gain boost and volume boost and pre gainboost

Used TT midi kit which set some limits regarding functionallity. Only 4 selectable/assignable functions.

Titel: Re: TappAmps Marzian 4channels Midi
Beitrag von: Robinrockt am 20.01.2016 09:18
Hi Hasse,

great looking amp, I like it. Great and clean job :topjob:
The panel looks like a Jag E-Type dashboard from 1964 somehow xD
But I love the E-Type and the switches.
Can´t wait for the sound samples.
