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Technik => Tech-Talk Fender => Thema gestartet von: sjhusting am 7.06.2016 18:56

Titel: I scared myself
Beitrag von: sjhusting am 7.06.2016 18:56
I'm building a Hoffman non-Tremolo Princeton Reverb for a friend to use as a harp amp. Today I finished wiring it, and checked all the voltages - they were all spot on. Good, no 220k instead of 220R resistors or whatever. Everything looked fine.

Removed the dummy load, plugged in the speaker. Turned it on. Nothing. Shit. Signal is being sent to ground somewhere. There wasn't even any hum or hiss. None.

Plugged in a guitar (Tele, of course) anyway, just to be sure.

Perfect. Everything works the way it is supposed to. Nice loud Fender sound. Reverb, with dwell control, can be precisely regulated from just a whisper to surf city.

NO hum, no hiss. I don't know how this happened. It's just ... perfect.

I guess everyone gets lucky once in a while. Maybe I should keep this.

Titel: Re: I scared myself
Beitrag von: Duesentrieb am 7.06.2016 18:59
Well, now you're ready for some Marshalls, Steven  ;D ;D ;D
Titel: Re: I scared myself
Beitrag von: sjhusting am 7.06.2016 19:10
Why? Did hell freeze over? Is Trump president? Is my body dead??  :bier:

Titel: Re: I scared myself
Beitrag von: LöD am 7.06.2016 23:36
hopefully none of the above...
But we should all start building a hell of a lot of marshalls - if this of any help against Donald Dumb.
Titel: Re: I scared myself
Beitrag von: Martino am 8.06.2016 15:59
NO hum, no hiss. I don't know how this happened. It's just ... perfect.

Oh no! A Fender Reverb lacking hum - that's bad. Looks like you got to start from scratch  ;D ;D
Nice job! Can we have a photo for reference  ;)
Titel: Re: I scared myself
Beitrag von: Nigel am 8.06.2016 19:46
Hey Steven,

impressive, really, despite of carbon composite resistors. Would you mind to post a picture of the inside? Would be nice!


I nearly allways have trouble with faint noise and hum in a way or another.

Lieben Gruß,

Titel: Re: I scared myself
Beitrag von: sjhusting am 8.06.2016 20:05
I've done an entire album on FB for the guy who will be getting it. When I add the last few photos and a short video, I'll post  a link here.

I don't use CC resistors. Signal path is mostly Dale RN65 with a few MF and CF. Caps are 150s and Xicons, selected on the rigorous basis of "what do I have."

I tried a slightly different technique this time. I installed the turret board and made all of the off-board connections first, then populated the board. I also ran all connections straight and short, and stopped trying to bend them into something beautiful, which no matter how hard I tried it just didn't want to look like a hiwatt. Since the leads for the tone stack and the reverb are long I was expecting some bad hum. Some times, the ice gods smile on us.

Titel: Re: I scared myself
Beitrag von: sjhusting am 9.06.2016 11:03
Here's a link to the photos. A video is uploading, I'll add that when it's done.

This may work for the video:

While you're at it, poke around and see what my brother does. His two newest are a bass for my son ("The Timinator") and a seamist green Tele with gold foil pickups.

Titel: Re: I scared myself
Beitrag von: Nigel am 9.06.2016 17:40
Boah, was für eine fantastische Arbeit! :danke:

Klingen tut er auch nicht schlecht.

Lieben Gruß


Titel: Re: I scared myself
Beitrag von: haebbe58 am 9.06.2016 18:20
Alleroberste Liga!!



Titel: Re: I scared myself
Beitrag von: Duesentrieb am 9.06.2016 19:07
Nice carpet  ;D

Tidy, clean and simply awesome. Congrats!
Titel: Re: I scared myself
Beitrag von: sjhusting am 9.06.2016 19:15
Nice carpet  ;D

Tidy, clean and simply awesome. Congrats!
Thanks. It's my daughter's bedroom. Was. Now it's my toy room.

Thanks for all the kind words. It's funny how different people see different things. I see all the things I could have done better.

Though others see them but are too polite to mention them. THIS WILL CHANGE IN THE TRUMP WORLD!   :police: :police: :police: :police:

Titel: Re: I scared myself
Beitrag von: LöD am 9.06.2016 21:03
Very nice build! And beautiful sound!
Titel: Re: I scared myself
Beitrag von: Martino am 9.06.2016 22:00
very clean and nice build!  :topjob:
Titel: Re: I scared myself
Beitrag von: Athlord am 10.06.2016 06:23
Hello Steven,
absolutely no hum - i am scared, too....   :topjob:
You have successfully completed the final stage of AMP building.
Now you have the golden master hands and the price of your AMPs doubles up!  ;D ;D ;D
Titel: Re: I scared myself
Beitrag von: sjhusting am 10.06.2016 09:50
Hello Steven,
absolutely no hum - i am scared, too....   :topjob:
You have successfully completed the final stage of AMP building.
Now you have the golden master hands and the price of your AMPs doubles up!  ;D ;D ;D
Now I can cover everything in black goop!
Titel: Re: I scared myself
Beitrag von: Robinrockt am 10.06.2016 10:51
Hey Steven,

it is a sign - keep the amp. Don´t sell your soul to the devil. You did that already - keep the amp anyway.

Keep rocking,