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Technik => Tech-Talk TT-Projekte => Thema gestartet von: Assaf am 27.01.2017 17:11

Titel: TT Reverb - Fußschalter
Beitrag von: Assaf am 27.01.2017 17:11
Hey guys
I finished building the kit. so far not built in it's enclouser. today I tested it.
everything seem to turn on correct. pilot LED is on, Tubes are glowing. but no sounds at all.
my question: do I need for sure a foot switch in order to turn it on ? does it close the circuit ?
if that so - shouldn't I have  clean guitar sound with no FS connected ?

when turning the unit off - I do hear the twang of the springs through my amp so I know it's alive but I may have done somethign wrote with routing have I ?
I will proceed to photos if needed

Titel: Re: TT Reverb - Fußschalter
Beitrag von: Dirk am 28.01.2017 13:18

a footswitch is NOT needed.
Check the voltage and compare it with the voltage listed in the schematic.
Check the FAQ:
Ask someone with technical knowledge in your family or neighborhood for support.

Best regards, Dirk
Titel: Re: TT Reverb - Fußschalter
Beitrag von: Assaf am 28.01.2017 16:15
ok my bad..
This is the first time I work with this kind of jacks and I was sure that each pole of the sleeve and tip are the same. so now I soldered them on the correct pads of the jack and everything fires up !

still I would like to build a foot switch for the unit. a SPDT switch should be enough right ? 3 pins 1 is empty and 2 are for the ON position going to sleeve and pin of the jack ?

thanks for your help
the reverb sounds amazing!

Titel: Re: TT Reverb - Fußschalter
Beitrag von: Dirk am 28.01.2017 19:36
You just need to close the contact between the tip and the ground, that's all the switch must do.

Best regards, Dirk
Titel: Re: TT Reverb - Fußschalter
Beitrag von: Assaf am 30.01.2017 19:55
on it ;) thanks a lot!
I would get at some point to measuring voltages to compare and advise here if there is something I can do to modify it sound a little bit.

It seems like the Dwell from 7-10 is a little bit overdriven the signal as well as giving more dwelli reverb - I'm not sure is it normal ?
is there some way to do sound comparison with someone else's successful build of this reverb ? that would be great.
thanks ! :topjob:
Titel: Re: TT Reverb - Fußschalter
Beitrag von: Assaf am 31.01.2017 13:50
I tried just a test for foot switch
soldered a mono jack plug to a SPDT switch
on the middle the ground. on one of the outter poles - the tip

so it is working. BUT - there is a remarkebly amount of high-end and some treble consistent of the signal dropped when bypassing the effect.
I compared with A-B listening a few things:
A: Guitar > Amp - results in normal sounding of my guitar the way I know it.. really presence and high tone like (fender mustang)
B: Guitar > Spring (bypassed) > Amp - it is clean for sure with no  wet signal. But again - lower comparing to the A mode

I also tried this which was really similar to the Guita > Amp:
Guitar > Spring (non bypassed but Mixer knob all the way down) - this sounded very similar  to as when the guitar is plugged straight to the amp

any ideas what can I do to immitate a pure true bypass as if my guitar is going stright  to the amp 'skipping' the effect unit ??
I would try to solder the 3rd pole of the footswitch to the ground as well but I don't belive it will change much or ??

cheers for your help and support!
Titel: Re: TT Reverb - Fußschalter
Beitrag von: Dirk am 31.01.2017 14:03
Sounds like that there is something wrong. With the footswitch you just pull the signal to ground, that's all.

Also, the TReverb allows extreme settings, which is IMO a benefit of the this reverb unit. Yes, you can boost the signal and overdirve it, you can also overdrive the amp or create very psychedelic sounds. You just play a litte bit with the Reverb until you find YOUR Reverb sound and than keep the settings.

Best regards, Dirk
Titel: Re: TT Reverb - Fußschalter
Beitrag von: Dirk am 1.02.2017 14:20

using a 12AU7 instead of the 12AT7 will lower the gain and makes the potentiometers work "smoother". If you should have a 12AU7 than feel free to try it.

Best regards, Dirk
Titel: Re: TT Reverb - Fußschalter
Beitrag von: Dirk am 3.02.2017 20:54
just found this
check the demo starting at 20:00

regards, Dirk