Tube-Town Forum

Technik => Tech-Talk TT-Projekte => Thema gestartet von: Funky Play Boy am 30.05.2019 17:50

Titel: LND verb standalone - too much gain
Beitrag von: Funky Play Boy am 30.05.2019 17:50

I built three LND verb; the first one is integrated in "double six" amp by the "amp maker". It sounds really good and noiseless.

So I started to build a standalone unit with a "v pump" kit.
Here's the problem: both dry and wet signals are overdriven and the output is really strong. Otherwise it's pretty noiseless, but too much gain.

I tried other LND, other transformer, tweak R13 and R52, and finally built an another lnd-verb board, wich got the same issue. Test voltages are OK.

Any ideas?