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Need help on building dual rectifier copy

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Need help on building dual rectifier copy
« am: 14.03.2005 16:40 »
Hello! Sorry for posting in english, but there are too few topics in english part of the forum. I've got a few questions:
1. Does someone have the second part of "switching matrix" schematic for dual rectifier 3-channel? I have all the sheets, except this one
2. If i build a copy, what power transformer should i use??? From hammonds or some other?? What about choke? Output transformer?
3. Can i substitute those two big blue 220uF 300V capacitors with 220uF 350V or voltage is critical here??????
4. Do i need to have GROUND switch with 0.01uF 1000V capacitor or it's not necesarry?

Thank you!!!!


Offline analogman

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Re:Need help on building dual rectifier copy
« Antwort #1 am: 14.03.2005 21:28 »
1. Does someone have the second part of "switching matrix" schematic for dual rectifier 3-channel? I have all the sheets, except this one
Ya got it.
2. If i build a copy, what power transformer should i use??? From hammonds or some other?? What about choke? Output transformer?
Someone else knows it, i'm sure.
3. Can i substitute those two big blue 220uF 300V capacitors with 220uF 350V or voltage is critical here??????
Yes, you can always substitute Caps by others with a higher voltage rating.
4. Do i need to have GROUND switch with 0.01uF 1000V capacitor or it's not necesarry?
Its not really important to have it. The GND-Switch can reduce hum but it's also a great source for blown fuses and other ugly faults.



Da hat sich doch einer meine Signatur gekrallt. Jetzt mag ich sie nicht mehr.



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Re:Need help on building dual rectifier copy
« Antwort #2 am: 14.03.2005 22:33 »
1. Send it please to me, if u got it - here's e-mail -
2. I would like to speak with that "someone" :-\
3. I really don' think so ???
4. What exactly this switch does?


Offline Joachim

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Re:Need help on building dual rectifier copy
« Antwort #3 am: 14.03.2005 22:39 »

I really don' think so

Maybe you don't think so, but life is hard and D!RK is absolutely right!

Good Night,
Live long and prosper.


Offline analogman

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Re:Need help on building dual rectifier copy
« Antwort #4 am: 14.03.2005 23:16 »
Da hat sich doch einer meine Signatur gekrallt. Jetzt mag ich sie nicht mehr.



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Re:Need help on building dual rectifier copy
« Antwort #5 am: 14.03.2005 23:35 »
Well, that smile gives a REAL support, thanks :-\


Offline Joachim

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Re:Need help on building dual rectifier copy
« Antwort #6 am: 14.03.2005 23:50 »
Well, that smile gives a REAL support

The REAL support is D!RKs post in answer #1. Believe it or not.  And concerning your question on transformers: here are some really experienced Recto experts on the way, and the time will come, that you will get the final answer. But you opened that thread 8 hours ago, so please exercise some patience  ::)

Live long and prosper.


Offline Killigrew

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Re:Need help on building dual rectifier copy
« Antwort #7 am: 15.03.2005 09:23 »
I used the following once, all from Hammond.
372JX Power Transformer
1650T Output Trasformer
193J Joke

I don't know if its the perfect choice but ist works well :D



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Re:Need help on building dual rectifier copy
« Antwort #8 am: 15.03.2005 11:30 »
3. Can i substitute those two big blue 220uF 300V capacitors with 220uF 350V or voltage is critical here??????
- Yes, you can always substitute Caps by others with a higher voltage rating.

This is of course right as long as you do not want to substitute both Caps with only one Cap.
In this case you need a Cap that is able to manage the full suppply Voltage.



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Re:Need help on building dual rectifier copy
« Antwort #9 am: 15.03.2005 15:32 »
1.Does those hammond transformers have all te needed wires, or i have to modify it?
2. Shure i mean 2 caps, not one:) I just can't find 220uf 300V caps and i want to substitute them with 220uF 350V caps. If it's okay - i'm happy:)




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Re:Need help on building dual rectifier copy
« Antwort #10 am: 16.03.2005 16:22 »
Someone? :-\


Offline Killigrew

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Re:Need help on building dual rectifier copy
« Antwort #11 am: 16.03.2005 17:27 »
Just look at the Datasheets and you will find any Info ;)

mfg :)



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Re:Need help on building dual rectifier copy
« Antwort #12 am: 16.03.2005 19:57 »
I don't have that much knowledge to determine something from datasheets. If it's not so hard for ya, please, give me some clue.


Offline Joachim

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Re:Need help on building dual rectifier copy
« Antwort #13 am: 16.03.2005 21:17 »
Hi rico,

A transformer is not really a complex part and so the datasheets are quite easy to understand, also with low level skills. Nobody knows better than you e.g. which voltages and currents you need for your project. Compare you power requirements with the wiring data of the transformers in the datasheet and that's it.

However, you can't "modify" a transformer.

« Letzte Änderung: 16.03.2005 21:17 von Joachim »
Live long and prosper.


Offline Killigrew

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Re:Need help on building dual rectifier copy
« Antwort #14 am: 16.03.2005 22:21 »
Shure you can modify a Transformer, but you shouldn't do it ;)