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Wie installiert man turrets mit dem TT Montagewerkzeug TT-32?

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Offline Carlos3350

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Wie installiert man turrets mit dem TT Montagewerkzeug TT-32?

Ich habe keine Information gefunden?


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Hallo Namenloser,

das "Unterteil" machst du z.B. auf einem Stück Holz fest. Darein kommt der Turret "kopfüber", mitsamt dem Board. Von der Rückseite steckst du dann den kleinen Stift in den Turret und haust mit einem Hammer drauf, so dass der Rand sich umbiegt und den Turret im Board festhält. Alles klar?

Viele Grüße



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Hallo Carlos3350

I have to do this in English, sorry.


1) Find a piece of wood big enough to be stable. I used a piece of scrap 18mm Kiefer
2) drill a hole in the middle of it big enough to insert the t-nut
3) Insert the t-nut
4) Screw the stainless steel thing into the t-nut.

Tip: I mounted 4 standoffs (same height as stainless steel thing) to add support to the board

To use:

steps 1 and 2 can be reversed. When I reverse them, the turret usually falls out of the board before I get it in the hole

1) insert a turret into the hole in the middle of the stainless steel thing. The part you solder to should be in the thing. The lip will rest on the stainless steel thing.
2) position the board over the turret and insert the turret in the hole. Warning! You should be looking at the back side of the board! The top side is down! (please don't ask me why I mention this) (I mark the bottom of the board to avoid repeating a very uncomfortable experience I once had with an AC30)
3) Insert the nipple of the rod in the hole in the bottom of the turret
4) Whap away with a hammer.
5) Check that the turret does not rotate. Additional whapping as needed.
6) Try not to split the base of the turret. If you do, don't worry about it.

Warning! Make sure the turret is fully inserted into the board!

Tip: I usually pre-bend the flange a bit with careful whapping with a "kerner"

Good luck. I've done what seems like several hundred billion turrets. If I can do it, you can do it.

The officially approved way is to use a drill press to press them, but I have always had better results with whapping.

When all is said and done you will have something like in the picture.

Tip: Practice a couple of times on scrap material before you go after your real board.

« Letzte Änderung: 3.02.2015 15:38 von Puddnhaid Husting »


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Tip: I mounted 4 standoffs (same height as stainless steel thing) to add support to the board
Haven't thought of this yet - thanks for the hint! :)



Offline Carlos3350

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Danke für Eure Antworten!
Jetzt klann ich zusätzliche turrets in das board einbauen.



Offline Laurent

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Hi Steven,

Looks amazing with the plexi board (is it, right?)!




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Hi Steven,

Looks amazing with the plexi board (is it, right?)!

Yeah, but you have to clean up all the flux that sprays all over the place.


Offline Fody

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ich spanne den Nietstempel in die Ständerbohrmaschine ein und benutze diese so als Presse. Gefällt mir persönlich besser als mit dem Hammer drauf zu kloppen.

Gruss Casim
Wenn man nix reinsteckt, kann auch nix rauskommen!