Peter is thinking of disconnecting the whole tone stack from V4 - therefore you need to disconnect the 47k slope resistor of the tone stack and the 470pF of the tone stack as the connection between V4a cathode (pin 3) and the tone stack is hard wired on the PCB.
This will sort out if there is a broken capacitor in the tone stack which causes kind of short cut under some circumstances to V4a cathode.
Again … if we should sort out things we need some updated pictures and still the amp needs to be cleaned up a lot more - as far as I see we have a lot of faults on wiring - maybe some don't exist, but it is hard to figure out.
I will sum up, what I think I can see by the pictures:
- mains and standby switch "should" (must) be changed; you need to switch both "poles" of mains and of B+ … currently you are switching only one phase of mains and standby switch seems to be located after the rectifier
- Xicon resistors on the power tube sockets seem to touch one of the power tube sockets' screws (each one on each side) with one of the resistors lugs
- it is still not clear to me if fx jacks are grounded correctly and which one of the jacks is of switching type and how it is connected
- I am not able to see how (and if) the input jack is grounded (seems to be grounded by one of the lugs of one of the switches on front)
- there seems to be a white wire running from the 10µF 450 volts caps on the preamp pcb to one of the fuse holders which does not make much sense to me (if so)
- I am not sure about the wiring of the impedance switch and the OT, because it cannot be seen clearly
Overall I think the amp can be fixed within half an hour while being at the desk of Jürgen, Peter or me or nearly anyone else, because that 's the only chance to figure out where wires are running from and going to.
And I think we do have two mistakes / faults: one within preamp circuit and maybe one within the power amp circuit.
At least it can be a pretty simple fault in nearly everything … e.g. if fx send is not wired properly you won't get any good signal with any power amp connected to it, if a cathode resistors value is too high you won't have any gain at that point (every triode stage got its own gain … gain is not only the pot in front of many amps), if something is shortening or doing a crossover you won't get any useable signal, etc. etc.
Again - if you like to sell it, make an offer.
I am pretty sure it can be "healed", but it needs to be built a bit more properly.
Regards, Stone