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Offline Majerski

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« am: 29.04.2022 09:51 »
Hello everyone , i plan on buying a 5e3 kit which will be assembled by an experienced guy who is servicing my amps for 20 years and i wanted to install a few mods on it  , NFB switch and Master volume mod.While i was planning my order i have seen the 5Ä3 kit on offer and got interested in maybe buying that one because it also has the mods i want , but it also has some other things which might even be better.I could not find many info on how these other mods will change the original 5e3 sound of the amp besides the info in description of a kit , so if anyone who already built 5Ä3 could tell me the difference , and once the 5Ä3 is assembled is it possible to bypass the mods by using the switches/knobs that control the mods and have the amp in stock 5e3 sound ? I will also purchase Cannabis Rex speaker , i know it is not a usual choice for 5e3 amps but i have a really loud drummer so every bit of volume counts , so if anyone has experience with that combination  i would also be thankful for any information. As for cabinet i will order it from a builder close to me , because i live in Bosnia and Hercegovina and transport and custom fees would be very high if i order it from EU , not to mention that wood is much cheaper here :) . Thanks for any help



  • Gast
Re: 5Ä3
« Antwort #1 am: 29.04.2022 10:09 »

I had to read your post at least 5 times and did not yet understand completely what you really want. The reason is your horrible writing style. There is no paragraph, clause, even no space at parts of sentences' ends.

As most of us here I spend my time with tube amps and the forum here as a hobby. And - to be honest - I fail to see spending and wasting time with a much to long analylysis of your post and sort word for word.

Sorry, but if you try to get it in a acceptable and readable form, your success of getting some really good answers or solutions will increase noticeable, I am sure.



Offline Majerski

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Re: 5Ä3
« Antwort #2 am: 29.04.2022 10:38 »
I apologize if my writing was not understandable , i wrote in english so maybe it was translated to german in a weird way . I expected that so i tried my best to write in a way that would be translated correctly. I believe my post in english is understandable but if it is not  i apologize again



  • Gast
Re: 5Ä3
« Antwort #3 am: 29.04.2022 10:46 »
No, it is not the langueage. I understand english very well. It is the style how you write the words after another without spaces, paragraphes, clauses etc. So, the sentences are not in a understandable order.

it is extremely difficult to find out, where a sentence ends and the other begins, e.g. and so itz takes a long time to find out what you really want. I am honest, i do not read it once more because it is too tiresome.


Offline iefes

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Re: 5Ä3
« Antwort #4 am: 29.04.2022 11:10 »
I get your point haebbe, the post is not very well written but I think it's not that bad.
So, to make this topic helpful again I tried to condense the main questions of Majerski:

- What is the tonal difference between a stock 5E3 and the TT 5Ä3? Does anyone here has experience with both circuits?
- Is it possible to set the controls of the 5Ä3 so that the mods are bypassed, giving the "normal" 5E3 tone?
- Has anybody tested the 5Ä3 with the Cannabis Rex speaker and would be willing to share his/her experiences?
- Additional tips/notes about the 5Ä3 are also welcome.

Personally, I don't have experience with either of the amps. However, I doubt that the 5Ä3 can sound exactly the same as the 5E3. It has larger transformers and another tone stack in one of the channels etc. But it will probably sound very close to a 5E3 with the right settings.


Offline Majerski

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Re: 5Ä3
« Antwort #5 am: 29.04.2022 11:15 »
I have been on many forums , and i am using english for a very long time and this is the first time someone has a problem with understanding me .
 I am really curious to see how my post looks from your view , because the way i see my post is perfectly fine , with spaces between words and "." at the end of each sentence .
I will try to be more articulate and short with my post.
I am trying to find out if  5Ä3 amp can be set to sound as stock 5e3 by using the switches and knobs that are installed.


Offline Majerski

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Re: 5Ä3
« Antwort #6 am: 29.04.2022 11:22 »
Thanks a lot , that is exactly what i was trying to find out with my post

I get your point haebbe, the post is not very well written but I think it's not that bad.
So, to make this topic helpful again I tried to condense the main questions of Majerski:

- What is the tonal difference between a stock 5E3 and the TT 5Ä3? Does anyone here has experience with both circuits?
- Is it possible to set the controls of the 5Ä3 so that the mods are bypassed, giving the "normal" 5E3 tone?
- Has anybody tested the 5Ä3 with the Cannabis Rex speaker and would be willing to share his/her experiences?
- Additional tips/notes about the 5Ä3 are also welcome.

Personally, I don't have experience with either of the amps. However, I doubt that the 5Ä3 can sound exactly the same as the 5E3. It has larger transformers and another tone stack in one of the channels etc. But it will probably sound very close to a 5E3 with the right settings.



  • Gast
Re: 5Ä3
« Antwort #7 am: 29.04.2022 11:36 »
I get your point haebbe, the post is not very well written but I think it's not that bad.
So, to make this topic helpful again I tried to condense the main questions of Majerski:

Sehr gut, danke

der Threadstarter meint ja nun, dafür sind wir jetzt da, seine Gedanken zu ordnen ... egal, Du hast Dir nun seine Mühe gemacht, die er angeblich nicht versteht....

Ehrt dich


Offline WiderGates

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Re: 5Ä3
« Antwort #8 am: 29.04.2022 11:56 »
So wirds evtl. verständlicher:

Hallo zusammen, ich habe vor, einen 5e3 Bausatz zu kaufen, der von einem erfahrenen Kerl zusammengebaut wird, der meine Verstärker seit 20 Jahren wartet, und ich wollte ein paar Mods darauf installieren, NFB-Schalter und Master-Volume-Mod.

Während ich meine Bestellung plante, habe ich den 5Ä3-Bausatz im Angebot gesehen und war daran interessiert, vielleicht diesen zu kaufen, weil er auch die Mods hat, die ich will, aber er hat auch einige andere Dinge, die sogar besser sein könnten.

Ich konnte nicht viele Informationen darüber finden, wie diese anderen Mods den originalen 5Ä3-Sound des Verstärkers verändern, abgesehen von den Informationen in der Beschreibung des Bausatzes.
Könnte jemand, der bereits einen 5Ä3 gebaut hat, mir den Unterschied erklären.

Wenn der 5Ä3 zusammengebaut ist, ist es dann möglich, die Mods zu umgehen, indem man die Schalter/Knöpfe benutzt, die die Mods steuern, und den Verstärker im originalen 5Ä3-Sound zu haben?

Ich werde auch Cannabis Rex Lautsprecher kaufen, ich weiß, dass es keine übliche Wahl für 5e3 Verstärker ist, aber ich habe einen wirklich lauten Schlagzeuger, so dass jedes bisschen Lautstärke zählt, also wenn jemand Erfahrung mit dieser Kombination hat, wäre ich auch für jede Information dankbar.
Was das Gehäuse angeht, werde ich es bei einem Hersteller in meiner Nähe bestellen, weil ich in Bosnien und Herzegowina lebe und die Transport- und Zollgebühren sehr hoch wären, wenn ich es aus der EU bestellen würde, ganz zu schweigen davon, dass Holz hier viel billiger ist :) .

Danke für jede Hilfe

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« Letzte Änderung: 29.04.2022 11:58 von WiderGates »
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